I have a confession to make. (Actually two confessions…)
I am completely obsessed with washi tapes.
Although I do not have a huge selection (you can see all my ‘stash’ above),
I do seem to add a couple rolls to each purchase…
For good measure, right?
I am also trying out different brands for a future review (stay tuned).
Not all tapes are created equal…
There is something else I’m nuts about – berries and cherry tomatoes.
I eat about a package of tomatoes a day (!!!) and I also eat a ton of berries.
(Have you ever tried a wild berries smoothie with spinach, vanilla soy milk and ice-cream? Divine.)
Luckily, these two passions converge, as I use the cute little fruit and vegetables packages to store my washi tapes. (…and other bits and pieces.)
They are the perfect size and they are clear, which I love. Plus they are totally stackable.
My Storage System
All I do is: [1] give the tiny basket a good wash (NOT in the dish-washer, unless you want to see a molten basket…); [2] take off the label; and [3] adhere a cute piece of patterned paper on top.
Simplicity is key.

As it is important for me to keep track of the brand and product names, I also add a tiny label to the inside of each tape roll.
I use regular label stickers from an office supply store and write with a permanent pen to prevent smudging.
It’s super easy and totally optional.
What is your favorite storage system for bits and pieces? Please leave a comment with your clever suggestions, I love reading them!

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Tags: craft space, organization, organizing, recycling, storage, Washi tape