I do my best to provide useful information and materials for my readers.
I share most of my work for FREE.
I try to answer all questions and reply to every comment.
I steer clear from hidden links and sponsored texts and by that turn down a lot of money…
My only stream of income from my blog is my affiliate links to products I tried from stores I trust [from which I get a fraction of the amount paid] as well as my products – my workshops and my book.
I love my readers and every time a reader comments on how helpful my printables are for her – it truly makes my day!!!
I REALLY appreciate when ever you tweet, like, pin or stumble upon any of my posts.
It means a lot to me when you share a link to a printable you used on a project.
I always find it hard to recognize my printables, as your projects are so beautiful, that my design pales in comparison and shrivels in shame.
Which is why it is hurtful when someone takes the time to pin something just to mention it isn’t for my actual work, but for a link I included on my post.
It hurts.
I am a real person.
And a way too sensitive one.
That. Is. All.
Tags: Personal Notes, pinterest
it really bothers me on pinterest that I see pins that I would like to follow through and check out the website and there is no website to checkout. I have tried my best not to repin those and if I can find the website on my own to pin from there. Hopefully eventually others will do the same.
I hope so too… Sometimes I spend a lot of time to find the real credit for a pin and then pin it from there… Although Pinterest is better than some other site that don’t even bother with a link back… ๐
Pinterest is a curse and a blessing. I repinned a recipe for some Dr. Pepper cupcakes and when I clicked on the website it led me to a porn site. People need to learn to pin responsibly, like on the actual blog post and not on the entire home page. That is how I found this site and I think the printables are awesome!!
Oh no, that has never happened to me… yet. I would be mortified.
Oh, Avital, people are just … very un-thoughtful! Best word I could come up with at the moment. I believe I now pin all your cards/labels … and from your site. I think I mentioned it before… and so I hope even more find your site through them… but I guess that means more ‘riff-raff’ too. Hugs to you!
Thanks ๐ I really appreciate that you share my posts with others. I do get a lot of traffic from Pinterest. It’s just that sometimes people do not realize that there are actual people behind a certain blog and what they say has an effect on them. I also don’t understand why that person didn’t just pin the actual Japonizer site. Why bother pinning my post just to say she isn’t interested…
I think I found you initially on Pinterest but now have your blog in my Google Reader. Am very new to printing out your freebies but would like to think you get the credit for your work.
Thanks so much! I hope you find my site useful ๐
I do my best to Pin things that have proper links,although when i was just learning to pin I may not have noticed links that were improper, but now I do and I’ve tried to edit those that don’t have proper links. it is frustrating when it hasn’t been done properly. Not to mention I have been linked up to a virus so beware!!
I appreciate what you do, I’ve always linked strait from your site.
Thankyou!! Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
I love all the freebies you post and I do pin them to my Project Life board and share links to your posts on a message board I’m on. We love Project Life and love your printables! Thanks so much for sharing your work with us all!! I don’t remember how I first came to find your blog but you’re in my google reader list now!
Thank you so much. This makes me so happy!
Such a good read, but so sorry that you’ve had this experience. I’ve had a bit of a love | hate experience with Pinterest lately as well. It’s amazing what people will say about our hard work and also think that they can print something that is obviously not free and think it’s okay. Your designs are always amazing and refreshing and fun and so perfect to help us document our lives.
Thanks so much! I love your designs a lot and always try to include an original link. I just don’t get people who go through the “trouble” of pinning someone’s work just to say something nasty about it. Pinning isn’t mandatory – if you don’t like it – don’t pin it…
I love to pin, but I don’t pin unless it takes me to the original blog or web page.
My daughter does the same. She has even searched the web looking for a coat that she loved and found the original site to pin.
I love to share my projects as well, but I do get sad when someone gets the inspiration from me, but doesn’t credit give me any credit.
So yes I know how you feel.
I hope that you keep doing what you are doing and thank you so much for the great work you do ๐
Thank you! You are so kind.
I always try to give credit and make sure that my pins link back to the original – however, sometimes I just repin other people’s pins and that leads to some Tumblr mess… I do go over my pins every once in a while and delete any pin that does not link to the original or doesn’t give proper credit in other ways.
I just wanted to thank you for your work. I have been a fan for a very long time. It makes me angry when generous people get hurt.
I have Pin’d you however I ALWAYS copy and paste the the whole web link when I PIN not just someone’s name or buz name unless it’s already there.
I hope this resolves in a happy way for you because I DO think Pinterest is a good idea and probably brings business in a good way that’s not been there before. It certainly helps me and many others in ‘sparking’ creativity when I’m not feeling it.
So again, just wanted to thank you for your generosity and hard work.
Just an FYI…I happened to read this just after your email…not sure if you want to jump to this remedy but I guess if it continues…might be something to think about.
Take good care
Thanks for the link! I do like Pinterest and I think that the developers came up with a fabulous way to credit and link back. It’s *some* of the users that needs to get a crash course at courtesy…
I really appreciate your pins back to Creativity Prompt and I am so happy that you like my designs! Thanks for being such a great reader!
Hi! Just want to let you know that I came across you on Pinterest and fell in love! I now follow you and get your emails. I love it and look forward to my emails now. Your wonderful journaling cards have gotten me started on Project Life and I use them for everything now! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much, you are so sweet!
I can’t thank you enough for all the wonderful free printables you provide. I’ve used them a lot in my Project Life, and other scrapbooking, pages! You’re a star! Thank you so much.
Thank you so much. I am so happy you like my designs!
I LOVE your work and I forward your wonderful free printables from your website not from Pinterest. Keep up the great work… I appreciate it and I know my friends do too.
Thanks! That means so much to me!!!
I love, love, love your printables,and quite often use them on my scrapbook pages! Thank you so much for your hard work!
Thanks so much! I’m so happy to hear you use my printables on your pages. This is exactly why I share them ๐
Hi. I’ve never left a comment before…. I guess I like to lurk in the shadows a bit! But that means that I’ve never told you how much I ADORE your printables. They are lovely and functional and fun.
Thanks for doing what you do ๐
Thanks so much! I know what you mean. I also lurk in the shadows sometimes… I really appreciate your support!
Thank you for having the courage to share your feelings. I’ve been following your blog for a very long time, haven’t ever commented, and should have because I appreciate your work and your generousity in sharing your printables.
If naysayers took the time to explore your site, the consistency alone would tell them that you are the creator of these wonderful and useful goodies.
Please don’t let the uninformed get you down. Take the comments from this post and hold them close to your heart. You have a lot of fans out there…me included!
Thanks so much. It means the world to me!
Some people just have no respect or consideration, and it’s unfortunately just a nasty fact of life. Please don’t let it “get” to you too much. Your work is far more appreciated than you realize, and you are such a sweet person to share so much. I can’t always use some of what you post, but I read each and every one of them, and will always leave a comment when I have taken something….so, thank you, sweetie. ๐
No, thank YOU. I know I shouldn’t have, but I was hurt by this person who probably scribbled that down without much aforethought. However, you guys are so wonderful by showing your sweet support. Your kind words have lifted my spirit! Thanks so much!
Love your printables, thanks for sharing them ๐ It’s sad how some people don’t think of other people’s feelings.
Thank you! I appreciate it.
I am so sorry to hear that someone’s stupidity hurt you!
It is unfair, uncalled for and well, just plain STUPID!
rest assure, you are loved, admired and respected by tons of people Sweetie!
Thank you, Alexandra. You are always so sweet. I just feel like some people do not realize that there are real people behind the blogs. People with feelings. I see it on other blogs as well and on Facebook and Twitter. People say whatever comes to their heads without caring about other people’s feelings. Plus, I strongly believe that she should have linked from the Japonized site, because their praise is well deserved.
I love all your freebies. Your work is amazing and it makes my journals and projects shine! Thanks for all you do.
Daysi ๐
Thanks so much, Daysi!
Been thinking about you over the last few days and hoping you can ignore one persons unthinking irresponsible comment and feel loved by all the wonderful comments left on here.
We all appreciate all the beautiful things you create.
Take care and I’m sending you a big HUG.
Thank you so much! I am overwhelmed by all the love I’ve been showered with!
I’ve been sick so hadn’t kept up with my internet faves this week. I went to check your site and saw this – how awful. I know I’ve pinned a few of your items so hopefully I’ve done it right. I appreciate all you put online and the hard work that goes into producing your awesome printables.
Thanks so much! You have no idea how much your support means to me! Thanks for stopping by and pinning my posts! I hope you feel better.
I do not use pinterest but have passed on your website to many friends. it is not just for the freebies (which I have used) but for the inspiration and admiration of what you create. Try to concentrate on the many messages of support, and ignore the 1 persons thoughless and inconsiderate comment.
Thanks so much! I’ve put it up as an example. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, in a way. But I am overwhelmed with your support and kindness. I should definitely concentrate on that ๐
I love your work!! What you are doing is so kind of you! You let everyone benefit from your work! I am one of those, I print all of your printables to work with them in my project life! They are so unique, you are a great artist!
I really want to thank you for that! I save a lot of money and I still have great products! THANKS!!
I told everyone I know who scrapbooks about your site! THANKS!!!
Thank you, Josรยฉe. I appreciate it so much!
I just want you to know that you have a great site. Everything here is beautiful especially the freebies. ๐ I love it รขโขยฅ
Thank you!!!