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The law of preservation of mass determines that matter cannot be created or destroyed. However, in life, I find that often the whole can be bigger than the sum of its parts. Sometimes even smaller… (when a person or an opportunity doesn’t live up to their potential).
A job, for instance, can be much more than a source of income if we are passionate about it and if we are determined to learn, evolve and draw life lessons from it.
A special person in your life also has an aggregate value that is much greater than the sum of every little ray of light the person introduces to your world.
Take notice and write about it.
Nadav, my dear husband, is smart, compassionate, understanding, blessed with an overdeveloped sense of humor and a special ability to make any sadness and rage disappear. These are his parts. Together they make my world brighter. Together they guide me in the sea of life. Together they warm my heart and make it sing. Together they make me thankful everyday. Together his parts are much bigger than his physical whole.
What parts in your life sums up bigger than the whole? Share your journaling and thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.
Tags: Digital Scrapbooking, Journaling Prompt, Nadav, people, relationships, Shimelle