Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and thoughts, random thoughts, start flooding my mind.
Last night I started thinking about time.
Time has an uncompromising attribute.
It never stands still.
Time is always moving forward (until time travel will be made possible…)
This hyperactive characteristic can also heal and nourish, when either one’s body or soul is aching.
However, sometimes this trait seem rigid and unforgiving. Almost spiteful.
Just a “few” years ago, my husband and I were little kids with dreamy eyes.
My husband had bright golden locks and I had soft brown hair.
Now we are grown ups.
We still have dreams but our dreams are more practical and less fantastical.
We rarely think about magic realms anymore. OK, never.
Time is just slipping through our fingers.
We cannot get a grip on time. We cannot hold on to a moment.
We just do our best to exhaust the moment we are in.
This is what time is like.
Stressful yet salutary.
Time is fleeting.
What is your take on time?

Back when we were kids creativity came naturally to us. Everything was possible and our prolific imagination was the only limit we knew.
Through the years we have grown apart from our inner creative child and along with that – have lost our pristine and utter joy of creation.
In this e-book I will pave your way back to your inner creative child, brick by brick.
“Unleashing The Creative Child Within You” will explain why you became distant from your core creativity and will reveal the secret to getting it back.
With exercises designed specifically to help you find the inner child within you, regain its confidence and unleash it – you are bound to get your mojo back faster than you think.
Your inner creative child wants to come out and play, so click here to get “Unleashing The Creative Child Within You” now.
Tags: Personal Notes, time
Posted in Personal Notes | 4 Comments »
Monday, September 14th, 2009
Time is illusive. It always slips away. Always on the move and always at the exact same pace.
We, however, treat time as a constant. We take time for granted and assume it will always be there for us.
This is how our mind tricks us… We know the facts but act oppositely.
We want to call our parents and tell them how much we love them. We want to meet a friend for coffee and laugh. We want to send a card to an old colleague of ours. We want to scrap all the photos from our last vacation. We want to go to the orchard and take photos of the citruses.
We want to do all these things when we will have some more time.
In the meantime, we flip through another magazine. Time passes by. We watch another episode. Time doesn’t stop. We go through Twitter again. Time keeps on running away.
Do we really need more time or do we just need to decide THIS IS THE TIME and make the most out of our present?
“There are many fine things which you mean to do some day,
under what you think will be more favorable circumstances.
But the only time that is surely yours is the present,
hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed,
to forgive the fault of a thoughtful friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others.
Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart,
to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of some less fortunate fellow travelerâ€
Grenville Kleiser, 1868-1953
How do you feel about the present of time? Share your thoughts and ideas by leaving a comment on this post.
Tags: Inspiration, Inspiration prompt, quote, quotes, time
Posted in Inspiration prompt | 6 Comments »
Wednesday, September 9th, 2009
I have recently stumbled upon a fascinating quote by Richard Bach:
“The simplest questions are the most profound.
Where were you born?
Where is your home?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change.â€
This quote appeals to me for two reasons:
- Its attribution to the most important things in life: your origin (roots), your plan and your actions towards it.
- Its attribution to the changes that appear as time goes by. Even the most profound aspects of life are affected by the passage of time.
Make use of Richard Bach’s brilliant observation and answer these questions in your journaling. Don’t forget to put a date on your journaling.
After a while go back to your answers and see if there’s any change. Record the change. Has anything remained the same?
What is your answer to these questions right now? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.
What other important aspects of life do you cherish? Do they change over time as well?
Can questions referring to the past, such as “where were you born”, really change over time? I’d love to hear your thoughts about it!
Tags: journaling, Journaling Prompt, life, quote, quotes, time, yourself
Posted in Journaling Prompt | 3 Comments »
Monday, May 11th, 2009
There is a drawer in which I stack everything I want to do someday when the time is right. The drawer is already overflowing and yet the time is never right for any of the things accumulated there. There is always a hurdle. Always an inconvenience. ALWAYS something better and more important to do. There are always repercussions to take under consideration. The mood is always wrong and the muse always absent.
Life goes by and the right time is never found. We do what we must routinely do and keep on accumulating plans for when the time is right. We may lose track of our plans, but enjoy collecting them nevertheless.
Today I decided to announce: “IT IS TIME”. Today I open the drawer and pick one crumpled paper, written long ago with sparkling eyes and joyous heart, I open it and do whatever it sends me to do. Today it is time.
For this week’s inspiration prompt I invite you to join me and decide today it is time to pick up one dream from that drawer and make it happen.
In the back of that drawer lays the oldest piece of paper. In it is written “Be nicer to people. Be nicer to myself. Be nicer”. It isn’t easy to be nice when life is closing in on you. But today lets start with that piece of paper…
There are fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others. Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of someone less fortunate. Today you can make your life significant and worthwhile.
Grenville Kleiser
Do you have a drawer full of plans for when the time is right? share your thoughts and leave a comment.
Tags: Inspiration, Inspiration prompt, now, quote, quotes, time
Posted in Inspiration prompt | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

“This is the Cave of Now, I told myself in strangely incoherent fashion. A drawing. A painting. Capture something forever. Can see it all at one time. No future, no past. Only a perpetual this-moment, only nowness.â€
From “The Gift Of Asher Lev†by Chaim Potok
How many times have you said “if only I could live in that moment forever”. How many times have you wished you could hold back time. Every person has these moments. How many times have you wanted to seize the moment? A piece of time we wish to commemorate and be able to live forever.
As Chaim Potok had put it so nicely, a picture can capture a moment and keep it alive forever, but so can words. With our writing we can hold back time. We can commemorate a moment and keep it close to us, for as long as we can read it and for as long as others can read it after us. We can capture the moment, the experience, the feeling . We can capture it all in our writing.
My nephew used to love to play with small stickers. You’d give him a sheet with a hundred stickers and in a matter of seconds, he had already randomly transferred all the stickers to a piece of paper. Capturing the moment that the sticker is still unstuck took a lot of patience and many trials with plenty of sticker sheets. However, without the words explaining the specialty of the moment, the picture is lacking. The words take the picture and make it a whole. Unite it into a total experience of a treasured moment.
This week’s journaling prompt is to hold back time with your words. Capture a moment with your journaling and treasure it forever. Make it a moment you can live in forever by reading and rereading it over and over again, whenever you wish to relive that moment.
I would love if you shared your treasured moments by leaving a comment to this post.
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Tags: Journaling Prompt, time
Posted in Journaling Prompt | 2 Comments »