Who knew…
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O coffee, my coffee, how I love thee.
You are always there for me.
When I am weak you are there to strengthen me.
When I am stressed you are there to power me through.I crave the feeling of time standing still,
after taking long and slow sips
of the sweet elixir.O coffee, my coffe, how I love thee.
My husband and I had a lovely weekend at Squaw Valley in North Lake Tahoe, CA. It was our first attempt at skiing and it showed. Let’s just say that on day 2 we decided to do snowmobiling instead…
Whan I first saw Karla Dudley’s new kit, Remarkable, I knew that it will be PERFECT to document our ski-moments. As they were truly remarkable…
Check out the new kit by clicking on the kit’s preview image to the left – it’s AWESOME!
By the way, not that you care, but this is NOT an affiliate link. I just love Karla’s work and thought it is nice to share the love with you guys.
In 1991 the Gulf War had reached Israel. Iraq bombarded Haifa and Tel Aviv (and other nearby cities) with Scud missiles and the word had it that the launched missiles may contain nerve agents, so we had to wear a gas mask every time the siren went off and get into an air-tight shelter. I was 10 at the time.
You all must be thinking it was a harsh experience for me. Being so little and having to cope with war, shelter and a gas mask. But it wasn’t so. Not at all. Not for me…
I can only imagine what my mother and father felt at the time. It must have been hard for them. They had 4 daughters: 16, 15, 10 and 2 year-old. They had to make sure we wore our gas masks properly. They had to lug their gas masks to work and worry about us and what we are going to do if the siren went off when thy’re not at home. They had to clean the shelter and move our mattresses there. they had to make sure we have a TV set and enough toys and knickknacks to keep us busy. For them it couldn’t have been easy.
For us [me] it was fun. I had a prolonged slumber party with my best friends who happened to be my neighbors. We didn’t have to go to school (after a while) and could go to sleep late at night and sleep in the next day – as long as the siren didn’t go off… Fun times.
Write about an experience you’ve had but take two different perspectives. It is a good learning experience and a very good writing drill.
Will you give it a try?
Once upon a time, there was a girl. That girl loved the color red and loved to wear dresses. That girl believed in magic and fairies. That girl was playful and imaginative. She loved to read and to paint and to write letters to her mom and dad, telling them how much she loves them. That girl took extra care not to step on an ant, thus always stared at the ground while walking. She used to climb on any possible tree or rock and fell down more than she cares to remember, but thankfully never broke a bone. That girl loved to dance and sing, whether to her self or to a crowd, regardless of whether she was any good at it. That girl loved her dolls and her Nana doll. That girl loved animals and was always eager to adopt a new pet. That girl was sweet albeit opinionated. I find it hard to believe, but… this girl is me.
I know you must be thinking: “Is she kidding me? She’s been MIA for almost 3 whole months and then posts a layout, as if nothing had happened”. You are absolutely right to be thinking that. However the only answer I can give right now is: No. I am not kidding. I really, REALLY appreciate your love and support through a stressful period in my life, which is not completely behind me – but I am going to do just that. I am going to post as if nothing has never happened. I hope you are okay with it. I love you too.
I saw this idea first on Elise Blaha’s blog and I fell in love immediately. Apparently, the first to start the awesome “Currents” movement is talented Tina Aszmus – kudos to her.
The idea of micro journaling is just perfect for someone who likes to record everyday life but feels overwhelmed about it [Me. Me. Me].
One of my favorite things is going over old journals and reliving the days I took the time to record.
One of my deepest regrets is getting rid of the journal I’ve had all through high school and through law school. I mostly wrote bad things in it. Bad experiences. I think most of it was filled with teen unrequited love (I believe that goes hand in hand with being a teenager).
At the time I got rid of it I thought it will be therapeutic to get rid of all the harsh memories and concentrate on all the happiness and loveliness I have in my life. But in retrospective, I do regret throwing it away, because it seems like I have thrown away parts of my life. Not to mention that some of my best writing was manifested there.
Anyhow, let bygones be bygones. [and it’s not like I can unearth it from the dumpster in Dublin]
This mini journal was so easy to make and I printed it on the back side of some OLD [even ancient] patterned papers. I got hooked on the idea of printing on patterned paper after I saw one of my workshop’s member, Mandy do that – amazingly! The only difference is that I printed mine on the back side of the pages and Mandy used double sided papers and printed her pages on the pattern.
What do you think about the idea of micro journaling? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.
When Nadav asked me to hold a snake I refused, forcefully…. But soon enough, here I was with a huge snake on my neck. The snake was heavy and had a weird, rubber-like, consistency. After the initial shock and horror I noticed that the snake started to wrap around my thigh. It was hilarious. I guess Mr. Snake doesn’t really understand the meaning of “No strings attached†notion. Oh well…
I am not a brave person.
More specifically, I am TERRIFIED of snakes.
I keep imagining there are snakes lurking whenever we go hiking in the woods or in a rocky trail.
I am crazy like that.
Therefore when my husband had the genius idea to put a HUGE snake around my neck – I wasn’t exactly happy about it. To say the least.
But my husband has this quality about him to persist and insist until he gets his way.
And so he did.
And so I ended up holding the huge snake.
Facing my fears.
Breathing slowly, in and out. In and out.
And I made it without a heart attack, or any other attack.
I even enjoyed it.
It was rather amusing that the snake started wrapping its tail around my leg and didn’t want to let go.
What do you think?
P.S. Did you check out yesterday’s Giving Thanks Journal workshop? It’s free.
I guess my birthday has put me in a reflective mood… Memories keep flooding me. Remote as well as recent ones are making me think and think and think some more about then and now.
Once upon a time, on a sunny day in 1984, I took my doll on a trip in a park. I wore my favorite pink knitted skirt and my sraw stroller and I carefully rolled it up the trail that led to the park. When I got there I squatted down and whisperred softly in my doll’s ear.
I promised her that I will take care of her and love her. I promised that I will keep her warm and clean. I promised I will kiss and hug her as many times a day as I could possibly squeeze in my buzy (almost) 4 year old schedule.
I then paused and added that I will make sure I will always be there, for her…
Then I got sick and then I got well again and I grew up, as people do and left my doll behind… Now I vow, broken promises no more!
Do you remember a promise you made as a child? I encourage you to write about it and I would love it if your shared your memories with me by leaving a comment 🙂
Under the sophisticated shell I am just a simple woman. I love to love and to be loved. I love to laugh out loud and to make other people laugh with me. I love to read. I love spiced hot chocolate. I love to think and conclude freely. I love to stay authentic. I love to travel and walk along trails surrounded by stunning landscape. I love to write. I love to look at past photos of the people I love and of events I enjoyed and reminisce. I love the feeling I have after a good workout and sometimes, when I can, I love to take a nap and hide under the covers. I love life and I love living fully and freely. I love to let my mind wander and to day dream. I love hot chocolate cakes and I love light cheesecakes and I love eating pizza from time to time and I love soups way too much. I love shopping. I love to dress up. I love to dress down. I love people and wish all the people loved each other, just as much. I love making up stories for little children. I am not that complicated but rather simple. I am tickeled, I am touched, I am filled with joy and I am hurt. I am happy and I am sad. I laugh and I cry. I am simply me. I am who I am.
When was the last time you wrote about yourselves? Who are you? Please share and leave a comment here. I’d love to know you all better.