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Posts Tagged ‘printable’

Freebie – Printable Journaling Labels

Friday, October 30th, 2009

What can I say? Life happens.

I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but for the past 3 months my husband and I have decided to transform our lives into healthier ones. Non of us was really heavy but we were gaining weight – little by little – and feeling bad, both physically and emotionally.

Weight can really creep up on you. From being a skinny teenager that eats chocolate non stop and only seem to get smaller, you become an adult that can gain weight from merely standing in close proximity to food. That’s life.

So we took control over our bodies, started eating healthier (that doesn’t mean less food. It means healthier, more nutritious food) and we wake up each day at 6:30 a.m. and go together to the gym for a strenuous workout that includes both aerobic and weight training.

We see results. GREAT results (especially my beautiful husband).

But every once in a blue moon we have a day in which we feel more tired and energy-less than usual.

This is such a day. So there will be no free tutorial this week.

HOWEVER – I am not missing a tutorial without leaving something nice for you guys instead. So I am including a freebie printable journaling labels for my fabulous readers to play with (right click on the link and opt for the ‘save link as…” option).

Just print on cardstock and cut out with scissors. I used cream colored cardstock and it looked great on it.

Print as many as you want for personal use only.


If you print out and use these labels please leave a comment and tell me if you liked them. Thank you!