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Posts Tagged ‘printable’

Friday Freebie – Retro Romantic Printable Journaling Labels

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Free Journaling Labels
This week I have a set of FREE retro romantic journaling labels to share with you (for personal use only). I used this label set on this springy layout.

To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.

In case you love the images (like I do) but are not particularly impressed with my label design, the images by Papermoon are copyright free and are available here.

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.


What will you use these labels for? Share by leaving a comment on this post.

Struggling to find uses for the labels, here are some suggestions on how to use the journaling labels.

I want as many people as possible to enjoy my labels (and to see them around on projects…), so please twit about this post – you may use the button above, share it on your blog, favor it on Stumble Upon, share on Facebook, share this post on your RSS reader – any way you wish.

I will also understand if you’d rather do nothing. In any case, you are VERY welcome to use them – from the bottom of my heart ๐Ÿ™‚

In fact, I want you to tell me if there is a specific type of printables you’d like to see on Creativity Prompt in the future? If you share your wishes, they may come true.

Friday freebie – Fancy Journaling Labels

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Free Journaling Labels
This week I am sharing a set of FREE fancy journaling labels with you guys (for personal use only).

To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.

Now, seriously, I have asked a few times what other printables would you like me to share with you (If I can, I’ll do my best to make them). PLEASE don’t be shy and tell me by leaving a comment.

Unleashing The Creative Child Within You
Back when we were kids creativity came naturally to us. Everything was possible and our prolific imagination was the only limit we knew.
Through the years we have grown apart from our inner creative child and along with that – have lost our pristine and utter joy of creation.

In this e-book I will pave your way back to your inner creative child, brick by brick.

“Unleashing The Creative Child Within You” will explain why you became distant from your core creativity and will reveal the secret to getting it back.
With exercises designed specifically to help you find the inner child within you, regain its confidence and unleash it – you are bound to get your mojo back faster than you think.

Your inner creative child wants to come out and play, so don’t disappoint it and get “Unleashing The Creative Child Within You“.

Freebie Friday – Trendy Journaling Labels

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Free Trendy journaling Labels
This week I want to share a FREE set of trendy journaling labels.

You may download them, save them and print them as many times as you want (for personal use only.) A mention would be great too…

This is the set I used to make this gatefold thank you card.

To download the set simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.

So What Can You Do With These Printable Labels?

  1. Use them as journaling spots on scrapbooking layouts.
  2. Use them on your cards.
  3. Use them for addressing envelopes (idea by Lisa Spangler).
  4. Use them as spice jar labels (idea by “the Tiny Homestead“).
  5. Use them for a mini book (idea by Kathy).
  6. Use them as notebook labels.
  7. Use them to “tag” your books.
  8. Use them as gift tags.
  9. Use them to organize your closets or your pantry.
  10. Use them for random acts of Kindness, by writing cheerful messages on them and spreading them out!


How would you use the journaling labels? Please leave a comment and tell me your secrets.

If you have a special printable request, do tell and I will try to make some dreams come true.

For next week I have a lovely set of fancy journaling labels to share, so stay tuned!!!

Friday Freebie – Rounded Journaling Labels

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Free Rounded Journaling Labels
Today I have new FREE rounded journaling labels to share with you.

Feel free to use these labels as many times you want (for personal use only). I’d love to start spotting them on wonderful layouts, cards, mini-books, fancy stationary, etc… ๐Ÿ™‚

To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

Have fun and be creative.

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.


Do you wish to “order” any specific printable? Tell me. My skills are limited (and so is my time these days…) but if I can help – I would LOVE to!

What are you going to use these labels for? Do you likey?

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.

Freebie – Retro Journaling Labels

Friday, March 12th, 2010

Free Retro Journaling Labels
Today I have some FREE special retro journaling labels you can use as many times your creative heart desires (for personal use only).

To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.

[Have you heard my exciting news?]


How would you use (or have used…) these journaling labels? Share by leaving a comment here.

Fancy A Freebie? Printable Journaling Labels

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

Printable Journaling Labels
For a reason, unknown to me, I have been fascinated with squared paper (and squared Japanese tape) lately.

As always, when something makes me happy, I open my Photoshop Elements and try to create it, so I can have unlimited amount of it…

Here is a variety of squared journaling labels I whipped up and wanted to share with my beloved readers.

Feel free to download it and use it for your amazing stories and precious memories [Click on the image to download the file. Personal use only]

I’d love if you came back and showed me, or told me, how you used those journaling labels.

Spread the word so others can enjoy the freebie too.

More free printables for your personal disposal.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.

Printable Freebie – Classic Journaling Tags

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

I have had a great day, following a great weekend.

During the weekend, I had fun with friends: eating good food and engaging in good conversation. Enjoying their friendliness and hospitality.

I also Pulled out my acrylics and an old canvas and painted after a loooong time I haven’t painted anything other than a scribble here and there in my handmade art journal.

I also got a few happy mails.

Today was not supposed to be the greatest, after my neighbor’s kid kept me wide awake before 5am…
(and the wee piggy-tailed princess is so sweet, I can’t even get mad at her)

Nevertheless, I managed to keep up my original schedule and haven’t even napped once.

I call this a good day. A WIN day.

In light of my surprisingly good mood I would like to share some of the fruits of this day with you guys with a printable freebie:

Free Classic Journaling Tags

Click Here to download the free journaling tags.

How was your weekend and how was you Monday? Tell me…

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
“Capture Your Dream” workshop is relaunching as a self-paced workshop. Isn’t this the perfect time for you to capture your dream and make it happen?

For This I Am Thankful…

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

I am dedicating this post to you, my dear readers. I am grateful for you!

I am thankful for you following my blog.

I am thankful for you leaving heartfelt comments and messages – encouraging me and sharing your stories, your thoughts and sometimes even your struggles.

I am thankful for you spreading out the word through your personal blogs, Twitter and Facebook and sharing posts and ideas you like with your friends and followers.

I am thankful for your patience on weeks in which life happens.

I am thankful for your participation in my workshops and the lovely feedback you are leaving and warming my heart with.

I am thankful for your support in Creativity Prompt via buying the products you need through the links I provide.

I am thankful for you!

Thank you so much!

As a token of my appreciation I am giving you two printable files with labels and journaling tags (you can punch out the tags with a 2″ circle punch):

  1. Lables
  2. Circular Journaling Tags

[To download the files: either click on the links above OR right-click and opt for “Save Target as…” or “Save Link as…”; Print with no scaling on a letter-size cardstock or sticker sheet]

Photoshop Elements Tip – Adding A Hand Drawn Element

Here is how I added the hand-drawn flowers to my tags:

  1. Draw your elements with a black marker on a plain white paper.
  2. Scan your element in high resolution.
  3. Open the scanned file in Photoshop Elements.
  4. Press Ctrl+L or Command+L and tweak your levels, so the white is bright white and the black is pitch black.
  5. You can also use the eye-drop tool on the Levels Menu.
  6. Open a new layer beneath your scanned elements.
  7. With the Quick Selection tool select all the white areas and press Delete. Make sure you are working on the scanned elements’ layer. The checkerboard pattern means this part is transparent.
  8. Save the file as a PNG file – that will keep the transparency attributes.
  9. With the rectangle selection tool select the element you want to use and then press on the Move tool.
  10. Open the file you wish to insert the hand drawn element to, drag and drop your hand drawn element into the file you have just opened. Re-size as needed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

[Due to the holiday – and my limited access to my husband’s MAC… – there will not be a Creativity Prompt this week, but I have included the tutorial above, enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚ ]

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
“Capture Your Dream” workshop is relaunching as a self-paced workshop. Isn’t it the perfect time for you to capture your dream and make it happen?

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out the new “Make Your Own Planner” workshop and you may solve this year’s holiday gift shopping problem. An affordable workshop that keeps on giving…

Super Quick Holidays Cards + Free Template (Update)

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Super Quick Christmas Cards

Yesterday I posted a video tutorial and a free template on making super quick handmade cards for Christmas.

A reader has reminded me that some people may want to make handmade cards for other holidays, or for non-religious holidays, which is so true. I celebrate Hanukkah, for instance. Though I do send Christmas cards for my close Christian friends.

So I decided to make 2 more templates – one for Hanukkah and one for general holidays greetings for all of you to enjoy:


I’d love to see the cards you’ve created, so please share.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out the new “Make Your Own Planner” workshop and you may solve this year’s holiday gift shopping problem. An affordable workshop that keeps on giving…

Creativiy Prompt – Super Quick Christmas Cards + Free Template

Friday, November 20th, 2009

Super Quick Christmas Cards

Sending handmade cards is a wonderful and well appreciated gesture, but with a recipients list as long as eternity, who has the time to make them?

What if most of the work was already done? The basic design has been laid down. The greeting has been “stamped” and all you had to do is cut, score, punch and paste? That would really give the push you need to accomplish your goal of sending handmade cards to all your acquaintances.

Search no more. I have sorted out your Christmas cards dilemma for this year.

Below you can find a printable template (PDF file format) that does most of the work for you. If you are interested, keep on reading.

Tools & Supply

How To

[Watch on You Tube]

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Print the template on a cardstock of your choice (8½” by 11″). Make sure your printer’s setting is on “No scaling”.
  2. Cut your cardstock at 5½” and score each half at 4¼”.
  3. Cut 1¼” by 1¼” squares from the patterned paper of your choice. Use a punch to make this step super quick.
  4. Adhere your patterned paper squares to the squares on the template, using dimensional foam adhesive.
  5. Either stop here, right a personal greeting inside and send the card OR embellish some more.

Quick Christmas CardsQuick Christmas Cards

Quick Christmas CardsQuick Christmas Cards


If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment here, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

I would also be very happy to see your own creations, so don’t be shy and share ๐Ÿ™‚

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out the new “Make Your Own Planner” workshop and you may solve this year’s holiday gift shopping problem. An affordable workshop that keeps on giving…