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Posts Tagged ‘Digital Scrapbooking’

Quick Layout Share – Wonderful You

Monday, March 15th, 2010

Wonderful You

[Font: Rough Typewriter; Digital Kits: Karla Dudley Designs Brush Bucket 1, Karla Dudley Designs Trina, Karla Dudley Designs Capture + Record.]

I am very pleased to announce that the gorgeous CTBLOG that Karla Dudley has created and designed (hence it’s being stunning) is up and running. Go ahead and treat yourself to all the eye candy + a video tutorial by Karla on drop shadows.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.

Happy Announcement: I Am On Karla Dudley’s Creative Team + Small Comforts…

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Small Comforts

[Karla Dudley Designs: Capture + Record, Silly Lines Green, Rub On Essentials 1 and Alpha Stickers 2; Font: Erika Ormig]

You have probably noticed how much I LOVE Karla Dudley‘s designs. I have been using her gorgeous products in my digital layouts for a long while – they are classically stylish and if a “hard copy” line had been offered, I would probably buy it too…

You can only imagine my delightful surprise when she said she was looking for designers for her CT. I just couldn’t believe my own eyes.

I am beyond happy for making it to the talented CT of the uber talented Karla.

Journaling Prompt

This layout is all about small comforts.

In my journaling I wrote:

When I was a young girl I used to think I needed to be a princess living in a crystal palace located on a rainbow in order to feel grateful. Now I know all I need are tea and cookies.

Like their name suggests small comforts are the little things that make us go “ahhhh…”.
The small things that make us feel serene and happy and thankful.
Jot down what are your small comforts. I assure you that acknowledging them alone would already make you feel this much better.

[Go here for the digital tip on how to create an outline image of your brush or png. image]


What are your small comforts? Leave a comment and share your delights with me. Please… 🙂
I love hearing from you guys.

Stay tuned for some more free journaling labels.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.

What Makes You Smile? Journaling Prompt and a Digital Tip

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Nadav Makes Me Smile

[Font: Erika Ormig; Digital Kits: Write It Down Cute Circles & Autumn Apples Polka Dot Papers by Shimelle Laine, available at Two Peas in a Bucket + Blakely by Karla Dudley, available at The Digichick Shop]

Smiling is better than make up. It gives you a natural glow and a sparkle in your eyes. It deepens your dimples and covers you with irresistibleness. I am telling you – smiling is way better tan putting on make up.

You may buy make up online, at department stores, drugstores, boutique shops – but where do you get a smile?

What have you that makes you brake out with a glowing smile?
Who brightens your day in a way that curves your lips from deep inside?
What can transform a gray day into a glorious and a happy moment?
Who is able to make you forget everything but your happiness and gratefulness?

I have my Nadav, my husband.

He injects my life with humor and makes it a million times better.
He manages to make me smile and forget I have been angry for an untended chore.
He surprises me, time and again, with the creative ways he finds to make me laugh.
He brightens my day and keeps my plate of gratitude overflowing.

When asked “where did you come up with that?”, he simply answers: “my mouth” or “my hands” – depending whether his current cuteness involves a saying or a deed.

Same goes for the arbitrary day in which he brought me a plate with an “apple face” – mine is smiling and his – sour.

I was surely smiling once I got this plate, but he’s just incapable of being sour 🙂

I love my Nadav.

Digital Tip

Do you want your png. images or brushes in your digital kit do double duty? Then create an outlined image of them.

How To – Adobe Photoshop Elements

  1. Lay your image or brush stroke on a separate layer.
  2. Copy this layer – either right-click on the layer indicator and choose “duplicate layer” or click on the image itself, while pressing the [Alt on a PC] or [OPT on a Mac] button.
  3. Reposition the copied image with the move-tool to where you wish your outline image to be.
  4. Open a new layer above the latter.
  5. Press [CTRL on a PC] or [CMD on a MAC] and click on the image on the left side of the copy layer indicator. That step will automatically select the image’s silhouette.
  6. Make sure your new – top layer – is selected and click on: “Edit” => “Stroke” (use the eye-drop tool to choose the color from the original image) and commit.
  7. Uncheck or delete the copied layer.


What makes you smile? Share by leaving a comment. I LOVE hearing from you. Each comment makes me smile, so please share!

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.

Daily Reoccurrences – Journaling Prompt

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

Daily Reoccurrences

[Fonts: Rough Typewriter, Walk Around The Block; Digital Kits: Digi Essentials #2 by Karla Dudley & Write It Down Top Ten Lists + Long and Winding Road – both by Shimelle Laine.]

Journaling Prompt

One of the disadvantages of a repeated daily routine is that its details are forgotten and lost.

We are so used to repeat the same errands or be with the same people every day that we don’t always notice things about them. We don’t notice the small details of what occurs daily without fail.

In my journey to document and remember as much as I can, I try to take heed of things that I can count on – for better or for worse – to occur and reoccur every single day.

This journaling prompt is general and can refer to people who do certain things in a certain way – every day, or it can refer to errands we run daily (or several times per day, OCD?!), food we eat or beverages we drink daily, etc.

In this layout I highlighted a few of my husband’s behaviors that come up each and every day – and I love him for that… It’s the small things that count most.


Leave a comment and share what things occur daily, without fail? I’d love to get a sneak peek into your dailyness (& I don’t care it isn’t a proper English word. I like it nonetheless).

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
“Capture Your Dream” workshop is relaunching as a self-paced workshop. Isn’t this the perfect time for you to capture your dream and make it happen?

Note The Changes Over A Period Of Time – Journaling Prompt

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Note The Changes In A person

[Fonts: Vegur, Popsies; Digital Kits: Blakely, Digi Essentials #2, Digi Essentials #3 – all by Karla Dudley]

Journaling Prompt

I have recently come back from a visit back home. This time it’s been over a year since my last visit and a lot have changed. I was astonished by all the changes.

Some changes are subtle and creep up on you very slowly.

Such is a crack in the cement and a peeling of the wall and stains that keep on expanding until you climb up the staircase you used to climb on throughout your childhood and you cannot recognize it anymore. It looks old and disengaged. It became alien.

Such are wrinkles that add up one by one, until the wrath or love of time is boldly noted.

Having said that, some changes are rapid. They usually occur in children. A baby becomes a child.

In this layout I documented the changes in my youngest nephew: Ori (Who will be celebrating his 4th birthday this week). Ori is Asaf‘s brother. This is what the journaling reads:

A lot have changed during the year I’ve been away. His glamorous red curls have been cut down. His beautiful brown eyes were framed in glasses (bandaged after numerous accidents in kindergarten). However, two things remain exactly the same: the pacifier in his mouth and the wonderful spirit in his kind and warm little heart. I love Ori. A lot.

Document the changes you note in something or in someone after a long period of time you haven’t seen it or him.

Sometimes a day can be a long period of time and sometimes only after a decade changes start to become apparent.


Have you been startled by a change lately? share your thoughts by leaving a comment. I really want to hear so please share.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
“Capture Your Dream” workshop is a self-paced workshop. Do you to capture your dream and make it happen?

Write About A Different Kind Of A Loving Relationship – Journaling Prompt

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

A Man and His Cat - True Love

[Fonts: Vegur, BatikRegular; Digital Kits: Can’t Buy Me Love, Write It Down Lovely Lables, The Long and Winding Road – All kits are by Shimelle Lane and available at Two Peas In A Bucket]

Journaling Prompt

Right before Valentines Day the romantic layouts are spreading rapidly all over the net. We are used to cherish our significant others as well as parental love (I mean anyone who has kids…) and we also document the love between BFFs, etc.

In short, we are documenting the loving relationship we or our loved ones have with other people.

I have a nontraditional idea… what about commemorating the love between us and our pets? They take such a great part of our life and are so dear to us – sometimes closer than some people are to us, so why not writing it down to paper. Why won’t we preserve these memories of this special loving relationship.

After all – isn’t it true love? The truest? 🙂

Digital Kit Tip

Don’t feel obligated to use the items on the kit as is. Just as you would cut a pattern paper, punch it, mist it, sew it, etc, you may also adjust and re-purpose any of the items in a digital kit.

For instance, I was using the labels from the Write It Down Lovely Lables kit but I wasn’t interested in the text on the beautiful labels, so I just rotated them and pushed them out of the layout and used them as embellishments.

Similarly, I was using the gorgeous postcard from The Long and Winding Road kit by selecting just the embellishment with the Magic Wand Tool on Photoshop Elements, copied it, recolored it and pasted it on several places on the layout just to add a floral finishing touch.


Share your pet love, or a loving relationship with pets (or different kinds of loving relationships) by leaving a comment. I’d love to discuss about any kind of love with you guys.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out “Make Your Own Planner” workshop for an affordable monthly and weekly planner in a workshop that keeps on giving…

Try an Unexpected Point of View – Photography Prompt

Thursday, February 4th, 2010


[Fonts: Vegur, VTPortableRemington; Digital Kits: Can’t Buy Me Love + Write It Down Aged Lables – both by Shimelle Laine; Digi Essentials #2,#3 – both by Karla Dudley.]

The journaling in the layout above reads:

Who said everyone should look at the camera in order to capture a moment in time and immortalize a memory.

I stand by these words.

As you might have notice, no one in the picture is looking at the camera, yet I kept this pictures because it captures a true, uneditted, unstaged moment – and I love it! The photo is genuine and authentic and thus precious to me.

Give it a chance. try to capture a true moment in time and choose the best point of view to depict that moment.


Are you always asking people to look at the camera and say ‘cheese’? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.

Side Notes

You might have noticed a slight downsizing on my part. I haven’t been updating the blog as often as I used to and that stems from a couple reasons.

First, I have just come back from a two-week vacation back home after more than a year of absence and remoteness. It has been quite an emotional as well as an awakening and changing experience. I just could not take time from my visit and spend it online. I hope you understand.

Second, I have embarked on a challenging journey. It has nothing to do with paper crafts – or any other crafts for that matter. It has everything to do with my peace of mind and personal development. At this early stage, I find it difficult to share (and no. It isn’t pregnancy) but I hope I’ll gather the courage sooner or later.

For these reasons I have decreased the amount of posts I put up each week, though I will keep on updating and putting up tutorials, journaling prompts and general ideas, as well as share crafty projects with you and in time I hope I will be strong enough to share more about my current challenge in life.

So please bare with me and stay put. You are very welcome to comment and I will join any discussion you start. You may also feel free to contact me and e-mail me in person. I will do my very best to get back to you as soon as possible.

I love you!

…and I need you to stay with me, are you in?

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
This year you can really make your dream come true!

“Capture Your Dream” workshop is a self-paced, six weeks long workshop, that will walk you through a journey of capturing your biggest dream and making it come true.

In the process of making your dream happen – with lots of inspiration and guided self-exploration, you will also create a mixed media mini album from scratch and learn many tips and techniques – including some photography pointers that will add character to your photos and will help you take better pictures of your projects.

The workshop includes 30 printable PDF lessons with step-by-step pictures and instructions as well as several printable templates you may use in other projects too.

I am confident you will enjoy it and find it helpful so I also offer full money back guarantee while the workshop lasts.

The Whole Is Bigger Than The Sum Of Its Parts – Journaling Prompt

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

The Whole Is Bigger Than The Sum Of Its Parts

[Fonts: Vegur; Rough Typewriter; English. Digital Kits: Shimelle Digitals Remember Page Template; Shimelle Digitals Trip to Nature Papers; Shimelle Digitals Long and Winding Road Mini Kit; Karla Dudley’s Digi Essentials kit.]

The law of preservation of mass determines that matter cannot be created or destroyed. However, in life, I find that often the whole can be bigger than the sum of its parts. Sometimes even smaller… (when a person or an opportunity doesn’t live up to their potential).

A job, for instance, can be much more than a source of income if we are passionate about it and if we are determined to learn, evolve and draw life lessons from it.

A special person in your life also has an aggregate value that is much greater than the sum of every little ray of light the person introduces to your world.

Take notice and write about it.

Nadav, my dear husband, is smart, compassionate, understanding, blessed with an overdeveloped sense of humor and a special ability to make any sadness and rage disappear. These are his parts. Together they make my world brighter. Together they guide me in the sea of life. Together they warm my heart and make it sing. Together they make me thankful everyday. Together his parts are much bigger than his physical whole.


What parts in your life sums up bigger than the whole? Share your journaling and thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.

My Recurring Theme In 2009 – Journaling Prompt

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

2009's Recurring Theme

[Fonts: Vegur; Rough Typewriter. Digital Kits: Karla Dudley’s Digi Essentials (Staples & Stitches); Shimelle Digitals 2009 Streamlined Template; Shimelle Digitals Starburst Solids.]

Journaling reads: Whether I like it or not (honestly, I haven’t decided yet) most of 2009 has passed online. I blogged. I read other people’s blogs. I have joined a couple of new forums. I shopped until the connection dropped. I reconnected with old friends through Facebook and met new cyber-friends on Twitter. I connected with friends via e-mail, instant messages and Skype. I kept in touch with my family – all ONLINE. So it’s only natural to represent the past year by my different Avatars…

Looking back at the past year, in a retrospective look that is only attainable early the next year, you can ALWAYS find one dominant recurring theme which is weaved through the entire year. One theme that hasn’t changed from the beginning throughout the end.

As it seems 2009 has been a “cyber” year for me. I spent most of my time online – both for business and pleasure (Hello Hulu and live streaming on Netflix. Hello facebook, Ustream and Twitter. Hello poor eyesight and pale skin…).

Therefore I felt like my Avatars on the different social media websites represent 2009 fully & succintly for me.

It may be lame but it is what it is. Thanks god for 2010…


What was your recurring theme in 2009? What do you think will your predominant motif be in 2010? What would you like it to be? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

I would love to hear about your past year and predictions regarding the current one.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
This year you can really make your dream come true!

“Capture Your Dream” workshop is a self-paced, six weeks long workshop, that will walk you through a journey of capturing your biggest dream and making it come true.

In the process of making your dream happen – with lots of inspiration and guided self-exploration, you will also create a mixed media mini album from scratch and learn many tips and techniques – including some photography pointers that will add character to your photos and will help you take better pictures of your projects.

The workshop includes 30 printable PDF lessons with step-by-step pictures and instructions as well as several printable templates you may use in other projects too.

I am confident you will enjoy it and find it helpful so I also offer full money back guarantee while the workshop lasts.

One Circle Widens and Another Narrows Down

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Living Room - Finally Finished
[Fonts: Vegur, Popsies; Digital Kits: Karla Dudley’s Capture + Record, Digi Essentials & Blakely]

I have been very fortunate in the last couple of weeks to meet a group of fantastic people to hang out and have loads of fun with.

One of the most difficult aspects of a relocation is starting afresh socially. You are displaced from the close group of friends you’ve been nurturing since childhood and get into a place where a tight circle of friends had already been formed. Pair with it natural shyness and a funny accent and suddenly your “play dates” are getting sparse.

Little by little we are widening our circle of friends here and our social calendar is getting full again. To “celebrate” the occasion we’ve decided to narrow down another circle – our apartment’s interior design.

When we got here we had to buy all the furniture at once and lost a lot of money by converting Euros to US Dollars. So we decided to lightly furnish the apartment with all the necessities and add on furnitures as the need arises…

Therefore on December 24th we rented a pick up truck, drove to IKEA in Palo-Alto and purchased the second sofa and some decorations. Thus, with a slight backache, our living room is finally finished 🙂


Have you narrowed down a circle in life as another one widened? Leave a comment and engage in the discussion.