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Posts Tagged ‘Digital Scrapbooking’

The Marvelous World Of Textures

Monday, October 4th, 2010

The Road Taken

The Road Taken
Somewhere, in the woods,
there lies an enchanted trail.
It loops and curls voluptuously,
seducing people’s feet.
The trees protect it with their shadow,
but the sultry sun shall never cry defeat.
Place one foot and make a step forward.
A second step shall follow.
Think but one thought.
Aspire to achieve but one goal.
Make a third step.
A fourth step shall follow.
Keep on walking,
step by step
and old faithful trail
shall take you there.

See The Beauty In The Ordinary

The Beauty Is In The Ordinary

The beauty is
in the wondering eyes of a child.
The beauty is
in the dreamy eyes of a lady
waiting for her lover.
The beauty is
in the blooming flower.
The beauty is
in the harmonious chirping
of the mockingbird.
The beauty is
in sapphire sky and emerald sea.
The beauty is not in the extravagant.
The beauty is in the ordinary.
This is where beauty is in.

The World of Textures

It is no wonder that these visual prompts has made me quite poetic. These are two ordinary photos I took on a recent trip to Monterey, CA. I loved the image of the boats docking and the trail hugged by the trees, but what really transformed those photos from ordinary to magical has been the use of textures.

Textures are basically images of textured objects in high resolution. These objects may be real or computer generated.

In a way digital textures are mimicking the laborious job of a mixed media artist, who lays layer upon layer of different mediums to create depth and interest.

The textures are layered upon the layer of the original photo, using Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Then the texture’s layer is blended in by using different blending modes and playing with the layer’s opacity setting. The best way to go about it is just to play around and experiment.

On each picture I used several textures. I used different blending mode and different opacity settings on each texture layer.

All the textures I used are generously offered for free (for everyone) by Shadowhouse Creations.

How Can You Use Textures

To transform your own picture from ordinary to magical and dreamy, just download a few of the textures and layer them on top of your photo. (Which means that the texture layer is above the layer with your original photo).

Then change the blending mode (it is located on top of the layers ruler and is by default on ‘Normal’).

Also change the opacity settings of the layer with the texture (the opacity spectrum is located on the left of the layers ruler and by default set to ‘100%’).


You may download the digital polaroid frame here.


If you go ahead and try textures, please share by leaving a link at the comments section.
I would also love it if you share poems you came out with after observing a photo you liked.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Sometimes A Title Will Suffice – a Journaling Prompt

Monday, September 27th, 2010

a polka dots kind of day layout

[Fonts: Adler; Digital Kits:Bazinga Mini Kit by Shimelle Laine for Two Peas In a Bucket.]

I am an advocate of the story behind the photos.

Saying that, I also think that sometimes the story can be depicted with just a few words.

Sometimes the title alone will suffice to convey the moment.

This layout is a terrific example. The title is certainly enough (in conjunction with the date and the photo) to bring back the memories from that long day that at the end of it I decided to paint bright yellow polka dots on my nails… Oh, what a day it was.


What memory can you capture with a single title? I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment and share with me.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Anyone’s Any Was All To Her – A Story of Hope and Love

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Anyone's Any Was All To Her - layout

[Fonts: FFF Tusj, Adler; Digital Kits: Modern Marvel by Karla Dudley for the Daily Digi.]

I love reading poetry. There is nothing quite like the soul of a poet. Delicate and all consuming and it always shines through the words that are always chosen so carefully.

When I recently revisited the words of E. E. Cummings’s poem I couldn’t help but think about my big sister.

My sister’s first born was different than all the other children. By the time he was a year and a half he could already solve simple math problems and by the time he was two, he had stopped speaking altogether. He didn’t point and didn’t sit still but had – and still has – the purest heart I have ever seen.

It is easy to focus on my nephew’s angelic eyes and heart of gold, but when I read the lyrics of Cummings’s poem I thought about the emotional struggles my sister is going through.

She laughs her son’s joy and cries his grief and frustration. But most of all – ANYONE’S ANY IS ALL TO HER!

I can still remember how when he was 4 years old my sister suddenly burst into tears. I had no idea what had made her cry and then she said “He will never say ‘I love you mom'”. I was so overwhelmed by her simple but so profound concern and took it upon myself to teach him these words. I know he loves her dearly, he is a loving person, so I didn’t mind how mechanical these words sound when they came out of his little mouth, and she didn’t mind either. I hope.

It is difficult to understand how difficult it is for a mother of an 11 years old son to be thrilled when he types a full sentence on the computer. It is not easily understandable how an initiation of a simple conversation can yield such immense joy in a mother’s heart. Thus I find that these words “anyone’s any was all to her” depicts so well my sister’s trials and turbulence.

I adore my sister’s strength and endless capacity to love and understand.


What poem or line of a poem to you find inspiring and reminding you of a person who is dear to you? Please share by leaving a comment.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Monday, September 20th, 2010

looks can be deceiving

[Fonts: Romantiques, Helvetica, Adler; Digital Kits: Spring Time Basics and Write It Down Ornate Frames by Shimelle Laine for Two Peas In A Bucket and KD Fly Girl (distress brush) – by Karla Dudley.]

At the Exploratorium in San Francisco I learned that nothing can be judged at first glance and often a second glance will not suffice either.


Would you drink out of a toilette bowl if you knew it is clean, fresh water?

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Psst, I Got Published And Forgot To Tell You

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

The Magazine Spread

CoverPublished layout

The Layout

Forget I asked Layout

The Story

A few months ago I suggested that you chronicle an unexpected conversation in a layout and put up this layout as an example of an extremely unexpected conversation between my husband and I. Eva Engvall, the Editor in Chief for a Swedish scrapbooking magazine, Scrapbooking m.m., has contacted me and asked if this layout can be featured on her magazine.

Needless to say I was ecstatic.

The layout was published in the July/August issue of the magazine and I also got a copy. After receiving the copy I was even more excited and giddy about it than before, because the issue was packed with gorgeous layouts and mini albums and general fabulousness by the most talented gals. I couldn’t believe my humble layout laid amongst them. I’m so honored and grateful to Eva for the opportunity.

It is actually the second time I’m published… However my first publication took a different note, as it was an article in a business journal about a case I participated in as a lawyer and won against the tax authorities.

You bet I was much more excited about my second publication than the first one…

I just felt like sharing (albeit a little late).

Thanks 🙂

Remember When (Plus A Free Photoshop Template)

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

San Francisco with Dad

[Font: KD Everyday; Digital Kits:KD Rousti, KD Digi Essentials #2, KD Digi Essentials #5, KD Crush, KD Fly Girl – all font and kits by Karla Dudley. I made the polaroid frames myself.]

Free Download

You can get the polaroid template here. Either click on the link and unzip the file or right-click on it and opt for the “save file as” option.

(The template is for personal use only.)

The Story

These photos were taken with my husband’s Nexus 1 phone a couple weeks ago.

It was the last day trip we took with my parents before they came back home. We went to San Francisco and enjoyed the beautiful urban landscape and great cuisine.

At the end of the day, as the last rays of sun shone above us we went to Twin Peaks for a marvelous bird eye view. As we climbed higher and higher the wind became almost violent and blew in gusts tight through us but the view became even more amazing.

I am so glad my father had the opportunity to join us for the short climb and enjoyed the extraordinary view of the city. The look on his face was so precious that I still remember and cherish it.


What is your last cherished memory? Please share it with me by leaving a comment on this post.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a fabulous mixed media mini album.

Park Adventures And How To Use Fonts As Die Cuts

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Park Adventures

[Fonts: Impact and Adler; Digital Kit: KD Crush by Karla Dudley.]

As a scrapbooker, or a memory archiver, I find myself doing things I would never imagine doing, just for the sake of collecting visual memories.

This layout is a wonderful example of such irrational behavior.

The pictures in the layout were taken with a regular 55mm lens – no tele lens, no zoom – I was standing right in front of the huge bear.

Gladly, I caught Mr. bear on a good day…
(I hope he isn’t traumatized by the insane human who ran after him with a camera)

How To Create Digital Letter Die Cuts

In this layout I used Karla Dudley’s newest digital kit, “KD Crush”, which will be available tomorrow at the Digichic online store. The kit is based on a natural color palette, just in time for fall and includes beautiful papers, brushes and elements (including an alpha set).

However, I used it a bit differently by masking the patterned paper to a regular true type font.

Here is how I made the title for my layout above:

  1. Choose any font, preferably a dominant one, such as “Impact” to give room for the digital patterned paper.
  2. Type down your title, each word separately to allow maximum control over its position.
  3. Decide what is the FINAL position and size of each letter in the title.
  4. Simplify all the title layers (by right clicking on each layer and selecting “simplify”).
  5. Merge the layers together (just select all the relevant layer and then right click on your selection and opt for “merge layers”. To select a couple layers together press the CTR or CMD key while clicking on the layers).
  6. Insert any patterned paper and make sure its layer is directly above the title layer.
  7. Mask the two layers together by pressing “CTR+G” or “CMD+G”.
  8. You may now merge the 2 layers together to add a drop shadow or leave it as is.


Have you ever acted out of character just to take a picture or preserve a memory? Please share your story by leaving a comment here.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

A Visit From Home

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Visit From Home

[Digital Kit: KD Rousti by Karla Dudley.]

My mom and dad have flown 7,528 miles to visit me in California.

Both their main flight and in-land connection flight were 3 hour late. Each.

I was sooooo excited to meet them here at last so I can show them around and speak to them.
So when we picked them up at the airport at 1 a.m. last week, I was ecstatic.

My parents are currently staying at our place and I try to do my best in hosting them but it is definitely a challenge.

I am hopeful that when they leave they will return home happy and with the understanding that I did my best to keep them entertained, happy as well as healthy… Or in other words, they will know everything I do – even the stupidest thing – is done with the best intentions.

Therefore I will be less available during the next few weeks and there will probably be less posts up – but stay tuned because I have awesome things coming up on September.


I’d love to get your advise on how to entertain my loved and loving guests without becoming overwhelmed (and insane)… Please leave a comment and help me 🙂


The layout I made was created with Karla Dudley’s newest release: KD Rousti. Check out the kit, it’s AWESOME!!! The photos were taken with my parents’ point and shoot camera at Point Lobos, CA.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Digital Template – On The Flip Side

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Instant Pretty Page templateOne of my favorite ways to stretch up my digital supply is by flipping the digital elements over.

It’s so easy, I just go to “image”=>”rotate” and flip it either to the left or to the right and sometimes vertically or horizontally, and voilà – I have a whole new product.

I then nudge a few of the images or rotate a few of the text boxes, so the design will make sense on the flip side… and in the end I get a whole new look.

Today Shimelle Laine has released a new digital template: “Instant Pretty Page template” and as soon as I saw it I knew I am going to flip it.

Here are the two layouts I made with it:

Asaf - school is over

[Fonts:Bradley Hand, Pharmacy, Adler; Digital Kits: Instant Pretty Page Template by Shimelle Laine for Two Peas In A Bucket and KD Capture and Record and KD Fly Boy by Karla Dudley.]

Ori - summertime

[Fonts: Adler; Digital Kits: Instant Pretty Page Template by Shimelle Laine for Two Peas In A Bucket and KD For The Boys by Karla Dudley.]


How do you stretch your scrapbooking supply? Please share an advice by leaving a comment on this post.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

New Workshop – Welcome Little One || REGISTRATION CLOSED

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Workshop - Welcome Little One

I am super excited to announce the launching of a new unique workshop by Creativity Prompt.

Whether you are expecting a new baby soon, you have just had a new baby or you want to give a special gift to a new mom, “Welcome Little One” is exactly what you are looking for.

This workshop offers a quick and easy way for the busy new mom to put together a gorgeous mini album to capture and record the first moments of the precious new born child.

The workshop is unique by providing pre-designed pages with journaling prompts, all sized to the standard 4″ by 6″, so that all you have to do is to print the pages, add the photos and tell the stories.

All the guess work is left for the upbringing of the child, none for the child’s very first mini album.

In addition, by providing all the patterned papers and titles in the pre-designed pages, the workshop is also reducing the supply list down to the absolute minimum necessary.

In fact, chances are that you already have all the supply at home, especially if you like recycling old boxes for their chipboard and old clothing for their fabric. Thus, basically the cost of this mini album is limited to the cost of the workshop and prints. Thats it!

Not only that, but the workshop also provides a set of digital frames you may use on your digital pages, lay over photos or print on your own patterned papers or cardstock, in case you prefer your creative freedom over pre made templates.

Furthermore, as the workshop kit is digital, you may use it over and over again for the same low price.

The Workshop Includes:

  1. A pdf file with clear and concise step by step instructions, supported by color photos and supply list.
  2. 10 jpeg files with pre-designed pages – to be printed at home or online.
  3. 10 png files with digital frames, you may use with your photo editing software.
  4. An embroidery guide for the cover of your mini album (Plus instructions on how to make your own embroidered title guide).


    Type: Self paced, downloadable workshop.
    Format: PDF, JPEG, PNG
    Price: $12.00
    Skill level: All levels.
    Software requirements: None. If you wish to use the digital frames you will need a photo editing software such as Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, but it is only optional.

How Does The Workshop Works?

  1. Immediately after the purchase you will be asked to confirm your membership, simply follow the instructions you will get on your e-mail.
  2. After the successful registration you will get instant access to all the workshop files with simple downloading instructions.

If you have any question, please leave a comment here or contact me via e-mail.