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Creativity Prompt – How To Make An Art Journal

September 25th, 2009

How To Make An Art Journal

A good quality art journal with sturdy signatures may burn a hole in our pocket. However, by using just 5 high quality cardstock pieces, you can make your own art journal for a fraction of the price – not to mention the cute foam cover you get…

If you are interested in watching how to make one of these cute art journals, than keep on scrolling…

Tools and Supply

How To

[music is by Josh Woodward (with permission)]

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Cut your cardstock to 8″ by 5″ signatures.
  2. Fold the signatures in half. For a sharp crease use a bone folder.
  3. Poke holes along the crease line of each signature. Start at the center and then continue each inch below and above the center.
  4. Sew your signatures together. Start at the top hole and go through each hole with a plain running stitch, after you went through the bottom hole go back through the top hole again.
  5. When attaching the second signature (and the ones after it) secure each stitch by going through the stitches on the spine before threading the needle through the holes.
  6. After you have made the last stitch on the last signature, secure the ends with a few knots.
  7. Cut the fun foam at 9″ by 5¼” for the cover.
  8. Attach the signatures to the fun foam with a generous layer of glue stick. Apply pressure on the journal for an hour or so to ensure good adhesion.
  9. Start painting and sketching in your new art journal…


If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment here, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

I would also be very happy to see your own creations, so don’t be shy and share 🙂

Journaling Prompt – New Technique: Volcano Eruption

September 23rd, 2009

Volcano at Landmannalaugar, IcelandI took this picture in Landmannalaugar, Iceland about a year ago. I climbed this volcano, which for me represented the battle of will over mind. (Most people just ran up and down…)

While taking this personal challenge I was thinking about the intensity of the eruption and the meaning of the eruption – both physical and metaphorical.

Journaling. Real openhearted journaling is a lot like a volcano eruption.

Your inside is burning and feels like it is going to explode and once you let it out – burning magma is pouring out. Once you really let loose and allow your best and worst feelings to come out, you can no longer control the flow.

However, as the emotional build-up is completely dissolved and all there is left is rubble you can then start afresh.

For this week’s journaling prompt try the volcano eruption journaling technique.

Step 1: Erupt. Go to whatever “quiet place” that works for you. Take a pen and a paper pad (or your journal) and start writing about a subject that has been smoldering in your mind lately. Write non-stop for an hour or so. Let your feelings and thoughts loose. Allow yourself to rant, to judge, to over analyze, to have pity, to envy, to covet, to wet your journal pages with salty tears (if it comes to that). WRITE – without editing, without thinking, without boundaries. Just write EVERYTHING.

Step 2: Start afresh. Take a break. Breathe deeply. Sip a tall glass of green tea or a fat mug filled to the rim with hot chocolate or a frothy cappuccino. Take a walk. Go to sleep. Steer clear of your journal for a while and relax. Then come back, read what you have written and come up with a positive and constructive thing to write for every negative scribble that erupted before.


Have you tried the volcano eruption technique? How did it work for you? Leave a comment on this post and share your thoughts and experience.

Giveaway Alert @ Mod Podge Rocks

September 22nd, 2009

Giveaway Alert @ Mod Podge Rocks
My friend, Amy at Mod Podge Rocks is having a fabulous giveaway and I thought it’d be nice to let you know.

Contest closes at midnight, this Saturday the 26th and 5 winners will be chosen.

Click on the giveaway link above for the rules on how to enter!

[While you are there, do yourself a favor and check the archives…]

Inspiration Prompt – Make Sure You Enjoy The Journey

September 21st, 2009
Enjoy The Journey
[Photo by: Nicholas]

I remember how I got so engrossed at work a couple years ago that I forgot what got me into law in the first place. All I saw was the lurking deadlines, the stress, the overwhelming responsibility and the two hands of the clock moving in a pace that seemed way faster than 60 seconds per minute.

I had to take a break. Go away from my desk, in the midst of chaos, take a walk and try to remember everything that I like about my job. In about 30 minutes I came back to my busy desk – psyched with enthusiasm and spiked with my reclaimed passion.

An hour later the pleadings I was working on were done. Maybe the best I have written throughout my career as a lawyer.

Not because I was better, smarter or my case was stronger – but because I concentrated on the process itself and enjoyed my journey. It shows!

For this week’s inspiration prompt I encourage you to take a moment and think about the process itself and to enjoy life’s journey as it wriggles in real time. Otherwise we may miss the whole point in life…

“Because of our routines we forget that life is an ongoing adventure. “
Maya Angelou


Share your thoughts about life’s journey by leaving a comment on this post. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Creativity Prompt – How To Make THE QUICKEST Mini Album – EVER

September 18th, 2009

THE QUICKEST Mini AlbumI am always trying to come up with the quickest and easiest projects for Creativity Prompt, but this time I have really outdone myself…

All you have to do is gather all your 4″ by 6″ photos together and in a matter of minutes they are all assembled in a cute mini album, with a twist.

This project is perfect as a last minute gift, or a mass production gift as well as a way to deal with a large amount of photos that convey the same story.

If you want to watch me make this mini album, than keep scrolling.

Tools & Supply

How To

[Music with permission is by Josh Woodward]

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Cut the acetate piece to 4″ by 6″.
  2. Cut 2 pieces of cardstock to 4″ by 6″ each.
  3. Temporarily adhere both cardstock pieces together and cut a shaped window out of them – you may use any shape and any die-cutting system you prefer.
  4. Adhere the cardstock pieces and the acetate in a Cardstock-Acetate-Cardstock sandwich.
  5. Back each photo with a 4″ by 6″ piece of patterned paper.
  6. For the back cover, cut 2 additional pieces of cardstock at 4″ by 6″ each and adhere together – back to back.
  7. Gather all your photos and both cover pieces together and punch 2 holes w/ the Crop-a-Dile.
  8. Fasten with the binding rings.
  9. Tell the story.


Shana Tova (Happy New Year) to all my Jewish readers!!!


If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment here, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

I would also be very happy to see your own creations, so don’t be shy and share 🙂

Journaling Prompt – Record Your Personal Change Of Seasons

September 16th, 2009
Change Of Seasons
[Photo by: Aunt Owwee @Flickr]

Sometimes I look at the four seasons – summer, fall, winter and spring – as Mother Earth’s clothing. The change of season sets a change in both the color palette and the texture (fabric) of its couture.

Fall is extremely colorful with a warm palette and a thick coat of loose foliage, nonchalantly covering all surfaces. Just like a woman with long curly hair whose hair falls down naturally on her shoulders.

Winter brings in a cooler palette. In some places the gray hues tones are ruling in a classic tailored suit and in others earth wears a festive and glistening white dress – like a bride flaunting her pristine beauty at her groom.

Comes spring and the artistic spirit of Mother Earth is revealed along with the appearance of flower buds. Vibrant and colorful and beautiful, filled with anticipation, a song is sung in her broad heart – like a carefree muse.

During the summer, Mother Earth strips off of all the color and heaviness of the year and gets ready to absorb warm sunshine rays – like a beautiful diva, wearing her swimsuit and tanning at the beach.

While observing the change of seasons I have noticed that I change along with them.

The spring wakes me up, brings color to my cheeks and prepares me for the summer – my favorite of all seasons. As the air gets cooler and the leaves are changing their color and fall I begin to dread the winter with its rainfalls and darkness, which makes me feel lethargic and wish I could stay under the covers all day long.

I know for a fact that many people are the exact opposite of me.

Some enjoy the purity of winter and cringe to the thought of the frying rays of sun.

What about you?

Record your personal change of seasons.

How do you change in a course of a year? When are you the happiest and when do you wish the season should end before it started? When do you feel most prolific and efficient? Have you noticed any change?

You can take this opportunity to look at your personal seasons on a larger scale. Have you noticed a certain cycle in your life? Can you compartmentalize your life to clear-cut periods that shows significant change in your life, your personality, your growth?


How do you change in a course of a year? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.

Inspiration Prompt – Make The Most Out Of Your Present

September 14th, 2009

TimeTime is illusive. It always slips away. Always on the move and always at the exact same pace.

We, however, treat time as a constant. We take time for granted and assume it will always be there for us.

This is how our mind tricks us… We know the facts but act oppositely.

We want to call our parents and tell them how much we love them. We want to meet a friend for coffee and laugh. We want to send a card to an old colleague of ours. We want to scrap all the photos from our last vacation. We want to go to the orchard and take photos of the citruses.

We want to do all these things when we will have some more time.

In the meantime, we flip through another magazine. Time passes by. We watch another episode. Time doesn’t stop. We go through Twitter again. Time keeps on running away.

Do we really need more time or do we just need to decide THIS IS THE TIME and make the most out of our present?

“There are many fine things which you mean to do some day,
under what you think will be more favorable circumstances.
But the only time that is surely yours is the present,
hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed,
to forgive the fault of a thoughtful friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others.

Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart,
to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of some less fortunate fellow traveler”

Grenville Kleiser, 1868-1953


How do you feel about the present of time? Share your thoughts and ideas by leaving a comment on this post.

Creativity Prompt – How To Make A Mini Gate-Album

September 11th, 2009

Gate Fold Mini-AlbumHow would you like to put together a beautiful mini album – from start to finish – in about an hour?

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

You know what, let me throw in a special feature that will turn your mini album from a beautiful albeit simple board-book into an intricate gate-album that is guaranteed to extract some “oohs and ahs” [I am pretty sure it’s a technical term. Please correct me if I’m wrong].

Are you interested? Yes? Then keep reading.

Oh, wait. Have I mentioned there’s a video tutorial included in the package?

Tools and Supply

How To

[Music with permission is by Josh Woodward from his album “Here Today”]

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Cut all your acetate and chipboard pieces to size and arrange them according to the following chart:
    gate album chart

    The top and bottom acetate (or acrylic) pieces protect your photos. You may leave those pieces out if you wish.

  2. Mark a 1/4″ line – lengthwise – on the respective edges and mark 3 dots on that line – 1 dot in the center and 2 other dots 1″ above and below the center one. Punch these marks with a Crop-A-Dile.

    After you have punched 3 holes on each side on one piece, you may use it to mark the holes on the other pieces and punch them accordingly.

  3. Adhere each photo to the chipboard with a generous application of glue stick. Start with one side, use a brayer to insure strong adhesion, and re-punch the holes before moving on to adhering the photo to the backside.

    You may replace each photo with a 4″ by 6″ sheet of patterned paper or cardstock – whatever works best for your needs.

    If the photo is bigger than the chipboard piece, trim the excess with a sharp craft knife.

    Double check the orientation of each photo, before you adhere it.

  4. Assemble all your layers, following the chart above, and attach together with binding rings.
  5. Embellish!

Gate Fold Album 1 Gate Fold Album 2
Gate Fold Album 3 Gate Fold Album 4


If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment here, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

I would also be very happy to see your own creations, so don’t be shy and share 🙂

Journaling Prompt – Answer The Most Profound Questions

September 9th, 2009
[Photo by: Jody McNary]

I have recently stumbled upon a fascinating quote by Richard Bach:

“The simplest questions are the most profound.

Where were you born?
Where is your home?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?

Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change.”

This quote appeals to me for two reasons:

  1. Its attribution to the most important things in life: your origin (roots), your plan and your actions towards it.
  2. Its attribution to the changes that appear as time goes by. Even the most profound aspects of life are affected by the passage of time.

Make use of Richard Bach’s brilliant observation and answer these questions in your journaling. Don’t forget to put a date on your journaling.

After a while go back to your answers and see if there’s any change. Record the change. Has anything remained the same?


What is your answer to these questions right now? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.
What other important aspects of life do you cherish? Do they change over time as well?

Can questions referring to the past, such as “where were you born”, really change over time? I’d love to hear your thoughts about it!

Inspiration Prompt – Live Life Actively and Powerfully

September 7th, 2009

Live Life Actively and PowerfullyMany times life happens so quickly that we feel like we just passively watch life goes by. We feel out of control and overwhelmed. We feel any action we may take will be a drop in the ocean, completely useless. We resign.

But that isn’t true my friends.

Taking control over life or letting life take control over us is a decision we make and not a state we get into.

We have full control. All we need is to empower ourselves to take control.

If we think we can do it than we will do it. If we think we are too weak, too small, too _____ [fill in the blank with a diminishing adjective] then we will keep on watching life goes by and remain unsatisfied and constantly disappointed.

Take a look at my niece (in the pink dress) taking control and ruling the dance floor. She doesn’t wait for permission. She doesn’t need dancing lessons. She does not need a title nor a degree. If she feels like dancing with complete and utter joy – she dances and sweeps everyone with her in a swirl of happiness.

We were all once like that. We were all once kids.

We were happy. We did not think about faith, destiny or ‘the rules’. We were not bothered by how things are supposed to be. We took control and lived actively and powerfully.

I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.

Stephen William Hawking

Just like looking before crossing the road, we can control any other step we take in life. The secret is to take one step at the time and take over the dance floor.


Do you feel like life goes by or do you take control and live actively? Share and leave a comment on this post.