Who said you can only journal about the past or only tell stories that actually happen…?
Try a different approach.
Make a layout which is all about what you WISH would have happened or will happen.
Make it as probable or as far fetched as you wish – as long as you are setting your wish-bone free…
My journaling reads:
Somewhere in a place far far away dreams come true. Somewhere up up in the sky there is a truth only the purest people can observe. Somewhere your look can be deciphered and your wishes are loud and clear. Somewhere. I wish it was here…
To jump start your wishing process, share one wish with me?
What is the first wish that comes to your mind right now? Leave a comment and wish along with me.

Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a fabulous mixed media mini album.
Tags: Digital Kits, Digital Scrapbooking, DT, Journaling Prompt, Shimelle, wishes
What a gorgeous page Avital!
Thanks for sharing ~
Thank you!