We are all beautiful people living in a beautiful world. Often the beauty evades us, both our personal beauty and the beauty of our surroundings. On these days we look at the blue sky and can only see a gray veil.
The blue sky, the colorful flowers, the songbirds, the fresh air, our beautiful reflection – they are always going to be there for us. They will keep smoldering and will be waiting for us to take notice.
The beauty is always there, it is our eyes that need to wear the right glasses and watch.
For this week’s inspiration prompt I urge you to take notice and open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson had put it so beautifully:
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is god’s handwriting.
What beautiful thing have you spot today? Leave a comment on this post and share the beauty.
Giveaway reminder
You still have a chance to enter the drawing on Creativity Prompt for a $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to Scrapbook.com. For more details on the giveaway click here.
The contest is closed!
Tags: beauty, Inspiration, Inspiration prompt, quote, quotes
[…] Check out this journaling prompt on seeing the beauty around you. […]