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Inspiration Prompt – Make Sure You Enjoy The Journey

September 21st, 2009 by Avital
Enjoy The Journey
[Photo by: Nicholas]

I remember how I got so engrossed at work a couple years ago that I forgot what got me into law in the first place. All I saw was the lurking deadlines, the stress, the overwhelming responsibility and the two hands of the clock moving in a pace that seemed way faster than 60 seconds per minute.

I had to take a break. Go away from my desk, in the midst of chaos, take a walk and try to remember everything that I like about my job. In about 30 minutes I came back to my busy desk – psyched with enthusiasm and spiked with my reclaimed passion.

An hour later the pleadings I was working on were done. Maybe the best I have written throughout my career as a lawyer.

Not because I was better, smarter or my case was stronger – but because I concentrated on the process itself and enjoyed my journey. It shows!

For this week’s inspiration prompt I encourage you to take a moment and think about the process itself and to enjoy life’s journey as it wriggles in real time. Otherwise we may miss the whole point in life…

“Because of our routines we forget that life is an ongoing adventure. “
Maya Angelou


Share your thoughts about life’s journey by leaving a comment on this post. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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4 Comments to “Inspiration Prompt – Make Sure You Enjoy The Journey”

  1. Deb Owen says:

    When I work with people who are struggling — to create something or to create a change in their lives — a time inevitably comes when it’s time to walk away. There is a period of rest that is a part of the creative process. But it works with life too. We walk away, do something else, come back and get done in an hour. The work just flows right out of us.

    But I’m right there with you. I just wrote today about the ‘If Only…’ game. We put off happiness until we have achieved some goal or gotten something we want, only to find out there’s something else. It’s all about enjoying the journey and the process.

    Thanks for a great post and a great reminder!
    All the best!

    • Avital says:

      Thanks Deb. I really appreciate your kind words. I agree, sometimes the best thing we can do is to walk away… and come back with a blast!

  2. regina says:

    I am a nurse and lately we have been overloaded with high patient to nurse ratios. I was really hating my job,trying to complete one task after another, unable to fully do what really matters–CARING for the patient. So lately, before I start my morning rounds, I write a list of 10 things I love about my job. Somehow, it has helped me get through my 12 hour shifts with my spirit intact AND patients being very happy with their care! It makes a world of difference to look at the big picture.

    • Avital says:

      Thank you so much for sharing, Regina. Remembering what your are working for and why you are doing what you are doing is more important than the actual doing, though it makes it much better.