In the coming Wednesday I will be celebrating Passover’s eve. Basically we are celebrating the release of the Israelites from the ancient Egyptian’s slavery. Sadly, the Israelites were not the only enslaved people. All through history – and in the present time as well – many people are enslaved by other people.
Penal servitude is an obvious situation where a person loses his human rights, but there are so many other kinds of servitude. For example taking the right to vote or the right to obtain higher education from a person also hinders his freedom.
For this week’s inspiration prompt I would like you to ponder along with me whether freedom by itself can be enslaving? An interesting notion to get our wheels rolling up there…
In Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell describes an extreme situation in which slavery is considered freedom. In this book it is a corrupted slogan, but perhaps some aspects of it are true?
Psychologist Barry Schwartz is suggesting that perhaps more is actually less and maybe freedom is not manifested by choice, but to the contrary. I have recently listened to his fascinating talk on TED and would like to share it with you and hear your thoughts about it:
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Does choice cultivate our freedom or taking away from it? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.
Tags: Barry Schwartz, Choice, Freedom, holidays, Inspiration, Inspiration prompt, Passover, Video
Hi I loved this TED video.
And Barry defiantly have a great point.
It’s always a pleasure to come here to your blog because you have all these wonderful and interesting thoughts and ideas.
Hope your easter is great