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Inspiration Prompt – Find Your Inner Light

January 12th, 2009 by Avital

Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.
Maya Angelou

Inner Light
[Photo by: H. Koppdelaney]

I let my self fall into the dark abysses of my mind too often. I allow life’s “bumps in the road” mask the light that lies within me. A failure, as small and insignificant as it is, would throw me in the darkness. I admit it. So would a vicious critical comment, an unintentional remark or an harmless joke (it isn’t harmless, isn’t it?!).

Finding the light again isn’t easy. Believing in myself, in my abilities and capabilities – are mostly not natural and automatic. vice-versa.

However, I do have a glorious spot inside me. A spot filled with light and belief. A place full of love and acceptance. A place in which my accomplishments are not long forgotten, but very much alive. This is a place I seek in times of darkness.

For this week’s inspiration prompt I invite you to call upon your illuminant magnificence. Find your inner light together with me. It doesn’t come easy for me. Sometimes I keep going for days and cannot find it. So promise me you’d keep on looking, even in times like these.

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Do you find it difficult to find your inner light?
Are you going to join me on my journey and seek your inner light?

Share your much appreciated thoughts and leave a comment.

4 Comments to “Inspiration Prompt – Find Your Inner Light”

  1. Diana Maus says:

    It is hard to find the light in the winter months, LOL.
    But I am with you here. Already got the feed. Sometimes I lurk, (sorry). I am sitting in the only window with ANY light coming in! Summer motivates me to work on my art. Winter is a snooze. Any advice?

    But I am feeling better in Jan than I was in Dec. I was just going to go in my studio and try to work. wish me luck! Gotta find the muse.

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