In the process of sharing a few random facts about me I fell through a time loop and suddenly found myself five-years-old again. Yes, this is me in the picture. My parents took this picture because I fell asleep while reading a book. Soon enough I will never go to sleep without having 7-8 books around (I got bored reading just one at a time).
Well, when I was a small child I would NOT go to sleep without having my mom sending me to dreamland.
Each and every night (unless I fell asleep while reading) she had to put me in an envelope (i.e. cover me with my blanket), write the address on my back and put on a stamp (i.e. a kiss). Then she HAD to say – in this specific order – “Good night. Sweet dreams”.
Any modification of that formula resulted in severe sleeplessness and endless nagging. [I was such a lovely child to raise, wasn’t I?]
I remember how one night my mom was out on a work-trip and my dad had to send me to dreamland…
Now, to understand that properly you must know that my dad is a physicist and the notion of dreamland by itself is way out of his comfort zone.
However, as my dad is a realist, and comfort zone or not, having an extremely annoying child up until midnight is even farther from his comfort zone, he repeated the formula to a ‘t’ and sent me to dreamland. Only much to his chagrin, I had found a discrepancy and refused to go to sleep.
Those were the days…
I wish I will keep this memory close to my heart forever and ever.
Do you have a childhood memory you want to remember forever? Share with us by leaving a comment..

Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a fabulous mixed media mini album.

Tags: childhood, Personal Notes
What a sweet, sweet, memory. What a special mother to make sure a special memory. I have NEVER heard of that: “sending you to dreamland”. My children are all grown – but, I am going to remember that for my grandchildren. I don’t have any yet – but, I am storing up the ideas for when that happy day comes!
Thank you!
[small kids may get used to it, so beware… 🙂 ]
hihihi, thanks for sharing!
You made me giggle!
It’s been awhile since i’ve visited your blog and this is one of the sweetest things i’ve ever read. what an endearing story. and what a sweet mama you had! Made ‘YOU’ a very sweet person. My wish is every child could grow up with such happy memories!
Thank you for sharing this lovely part of you & your childhood! Now, I am going to check out what else i have missed.
Take care.
Kathy, thanks so much. That is such a sweet thing to say.
I am lucky to have such fabulous parents and I am looking forward to their visit in August 🙂