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Creativity Prompt #19 – Make A Visual Life Coach

Friday, October 3rd, 2008
FREE Textures TO DOWLOAD - 1
Image by Pixmaniaque via Flickr

Still in a “the-beginning-of-a-new-year” mood and on the verge of yet another relocation to another country in another continent, I have come up with an idea for today’s creativity prompt.

As a very visual person I have realized the best way to reflect and plan my new year’s resolutions is by preparing a visual “life coach” or “life book”, if you so wish (more on naming the project later).

The visual life coach is actually a place for all the little components of your life – a place for self-reflection, a place to come to for inspiration, a place to jot down your aspirations, your goals and your wishes and follow up on them. Every single one of those component is an important building block, but only as a whole can you use these components to build yourself a life plan for the next year.

Your goals need the inspiration to get you going.
The aspirations need the wish list for maintenance…
Neither your goals nor your aspirations can be gathered and achieved without a bit of self-reflection.

Therefore, after I have established the way to make my resolutions stick, here is how I went about it (and am still going):

Step 1-
magazines Gather a bunch of magazines, a second before they’re tossed into the recycling bin.

Any type of magazine will do.

I have used a compilation of style, home decor, health & fashion magazines which works perfectly well for this project.

Step 2-
Grab a pair of utility scissors, a craft knife, a journaling pen and a glue stick from your stash – these are the essentials to which you can add stamps, punches or anything else you are gravitating towards while leafing through the magazines’ pages.

Step 3-

Leaf through the magazines pages and cut out everything that speaks to you – titles, photos, color combination you find attractive, interesting composition, nice font, an image you’d like to paint/draw – anything.

Step 4-

start compiling your very own visual life coach

  • Start with listing everything you love about yourself. It is a very important exercise in positive self reflection and can change the entire way you are going about you life (for the better).
  • Compose your very own list of goals and include images that relates to your goals and make them more tangible.
  • Prepare a visual wish list. Some scholars believe that by visualizing your wish list you can attract its components to your life.
  • Include inspiring quotes in your pages to create an inspiration well.
  • Stick inspiring images among your pages and don’t forget to jot down some words on what made you gravitate towards each image –
    • Does it have a fabulous color combination?
    • Does it make you feel happy/relaxed/in-love?
    • Does it make you feel like creating something right away?
    • etc.

  • Experiment – sketch/create layouts. prepare color swatches. draw an outline of a composition which appeals to you.
  • Reflect- some points to consider:
    • what were the highlights of your previous year?
    • What things would you like to keep on going next year and what things would you like to refrain from?
    • what were your most memorable decisions last year and how did they affect you?

Enjoy – it is all and only YOURS.

Here are some snap shots from my visual life coach for the coming year:

life book life book life book life book life book life book life book life book life book life book

Participate in the naming game

I have suggested 2 names for this project:

  1. Visual life coach
  2. Life book

Non of them seem to resonate well with the idea behind the project. So I hereby invite you to suggest names for the project – just leave a comment below with your suggestion.

Psst… You have a chance to win a copy of the book: Visual Chronicles by Linda Woods and Karen Dinino.

Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment here. Just follow the instructions and secure your place at the raffle.

Journaling Prompt #19 – Affection

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008


I took this picture at Dublin’s zoo. The closeness and gentleness of the Orangutans were overwhelming. The female Orangutan stroked the little one gently and softly looked at his eyes. However, what really got me was something I’ve noticed only after downloading the pictures to my computer – the way the monkeys held their hands together. I guess the need to be touched affectionately is deeply rooted…

Look at the sadly looking eyes of the baby-monkey. Can you see the way it conveys his feelings to his mother monkey? The way it asks and receives the mother-monkey’s sympathy and affinity? The touch – a mere holding of the hands – is so simple yet the impact is so immense. It is absolutely enchanting.

This week’s journaling prompt, in light of the Jewish holidays, is “Affection”.

  • Have you been enamored by an expression of affection lately? Describe it. Who was the affectionate party and who was the recipient?
  • Are you into showing your affection in public? If so, how do you show it?
  • Do you show your affection only behind closed doors? If so, what is the reason for that?
  • What is your favorite expression of affection?
  • Who would you like to show his or hers affection towards you? Has he or she done it lately?
    • If so, when and how was it?
    • If not – what do you think is the reason for the frostiness? Are you conveying your needs and feelings clearly enough?

Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.

Psst… You have a chance to win a copy of the book: Visual Chronicles by Linda Woods and Karen Dinino.

Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment here. Just follow the instructions and secure your place at the raffle.

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Inspiration Prompt #19 – New Year Greetings and a Giveaway

Monday, September 29th, 2008
Seagulls and sunrise
Image by 5348 Franco via Flickr

Today is the new year’s eve, according to the Hebrew calendar. The beginning of a new year is always a good opportunity for an internal check-in. New resolutions. New wishes and dreams. An opportunity to look afresh at life and re-sketch my path in it.

I enjoy pondering both on the Jewish new year and on January 1st. Exhausting any opportune moment to go back to the drawing board of life and making sure I’m not walking on the wrong path too long.

I would like to celebrate the new year with a giveaway for you!!!

Giveaway –

I have a copy of the book: Visual Chronicles by: Linda Woods and Karen Dinino to give away. It is a beautiful book, filled with loads of creativity.

You may click on the link to look inside the book on Amazon.

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post and write how are you celebrating or going to celebrate the new year and on which date or dates?

I will draw one happy winner on October 14th, which is Sukkot’s eve. So make sure to stay tuned for the winner’s announcement.

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Creativity Prompt #18 – The Complete Guide For EASY Holiday Cards

Friday, September 26th, 2008
Greeting cards on display at retail.
Image via Wikipedia

The joy and magic of the holidays are already here. I love everything about the holidays. The familiarity. The festivities. The customs. The atmosphere around. Funnily, I don’t just love the holidays I traditionally celebrate, but all the holidays (except for ones based on hatred which I do not condone nor enjoy).

Nothing conveys the holiday’s spirit more than sending cards with holiday greetings from the bottom of the heart. We have this saying in Hebrew: “what comes from the heart is also received by one’s heart” and I do believe that giving the cards some extra attention by hand-making them makes all the difference. It becomes unique, original and most of all – drenched in love and attention.

Having said that, I do know you are all thinking I have gone mad. Handcrafting the 300 cards or so you need is the understatement of time consuming and who has free time on his hands these days? Fear not, as I’ve got the perfect holiday-cards-solution for you!

The Ultimate Guide For Handcrafted Cards

  1. Plan Ahead. Card making, as every other time consuming chore needs a game plan. You need to figure out the scope of the task and prepare accordingly by cutting the chore down to bite-size chunks. Starting a couple months in advance should be enough – so start now for Christmas/Hanukkah and if you’re celebrating Rosh-Ha’Shana (Jewish new-year) than either run a “card-a-thon” this weekend or aim for next year…
    • Figuring out the scope -or- how many cards do you actually need. Make a list of all potential recipients. Use these groups as reference: family, friends, colleagues, business partners, neighbors etc.
    • Time slotting. Now, that you have a definite number of cards you need to prepare (1517), divide this number by the number of days you’ve got until the “d-day” (when considering your “d-day” allow enough time for mailing the cards) and that is the number of cards you’ll have to make each day. Feel free to play with the numbers,allowing more card making time over the weekends or vice versa – whatever works well for you.
    • Gathering materials. Make sure you have everything you need for the cards, otherwise the production line would be cut off and you’ll use its momentum. Don’t forget the basics like: adhesive, cards and envelopes. Make a “card station” with all the materials you’ll need for the card.
  2. Think: “Mass Production”. The only way you can conquer this behemoth of a chore is by tagging along the momentum a production line. You need to get to the point where your actions are technically automatic. OR you can prune your list down to the very close loved ones and prepare a killer one-of-a-kind card for each (but this is not really the point, isn’t it?!?).
  3. For creating your own little card-production-line, just follow these principles:

    • Go For A SIMPLE Design. This is really not the time for intricate and artistic cards, detailed cut outs and seventeen-steps stamping. Leave those fun interactive -secret tags-double pop-ups-magic- cards out for now. GO SIMPLE. Use nestable punches or die cuts and go for linear design with no more than a few pieces of patterned paper, a piece of ribbon and one additional embellishment you can just stick down and call it a day. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you should go for ugly, just make it quick and easy – so reproducing it 1517 times would be feasible…


    • Use pre-cut and pre-scored cards. Save your time for important stuff. Cutting and scoring aren’t. Feel free to use other pre-made stuff as well like paper flowers and threaded buttons. Relax, it isn’t cheating just being sane. If you insist on making your own cards – make it in advance. First cut all of them and then score all of them (remember: production line thinking).
    • Use Scraps. Another way of saving precious time is using scraps. We all have them and using them saves time on cropping and coordinating. As an additional advantage you are stretching your hard-earned buck and being more tolerant to your environment.

      using scraps

    • Use Tools. The right tools can save you time and money. You do not need to go overboard, just get a paper trimmer, a bone folder, a craft knife, scissors, a ruler and cutting mat, a few nestable punches and a crop-a-dile (for good measure).


  4. Personalize. Don’t throw away all the hard work of making your own cards by forgetting the final personal-touch. Hand write the recipient’s name and add some personal hand-written words – even if it’s just: “Luv,(your name goes here)

Here are some example for easy-peasy cards I have made – feel free to “lift” the design (click on the link to get to the original Flickr photo-page and then choose “all sizes” for watching it in high resolution):

holiday cards

Share –

Now it’s your time to throw in some good advice on handling the massive holiday-cards-making task and to share your own holiday card-creation.

Leave a comment on this post with an advice or a link to your creation.

You can also join the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group and add your card-creation to the pool.

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Journaling Prompt #18 – I am

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Me at 4
Another meme for this week’s journaling prompt. This time the subject is a neglected – yet an important one – “I am me. Who are you?” by the brilliant Amy.

Using a list is actually a great way to journal about a subject which doesn’t come easy to you (like writing about yourself). Use the meme to paint a pretty decent picture of where you are at right NOW with your words:

I am: the accumulation of moments I have had so far. People I have met. Places I have been to. Experiences I have had.

I think: too much about too many things.

I know: very little and have lots of room for learning more and more.

I have: plenty.

I wish: I will always feel I have plenty.

I hate: lies. It’s an immediate deal breaker.

I miss: My family.

I fear: being alone in the dark. (sometimes I fear being alone. Period).

I hear: the voice of reason and shut it off…

I smell: the air freshener… What can I say, I live at the city center, there are no flower fields near by.

I crave: Rice Pringles. Arrrrr. (I’m telling you, they are putting something in it which is highly addictive).

I search: for my muses.

I wonder: What will be our next step in life…

I regret: Ever regretting about anything, though I know I’ll keep on having regrets every once in a while (so often…).

I love: My loving and supporting hubby.

I ache: There are still people in the world who lives/thrives on hatred.

I am not: There yet…

I believe: in miracles.

I dance: like no one is watching (and being told off…)

I sing: like a crow (though I was on my elementary school’s quire)…

I cry: not only in movies but while reading as well…

I fight: my demons and win.

I win: whenever I believe in myself. It works like magic.

I lose: when I stop believing.

I never: smoke.

I always: change my mind.

I confuse: politeness with friendliness too often.

I listen: to way too eclectic music…

I can usually be found: in close proximity to my e-mail…

I am scared: of getting it all wrong.

I need: a real, not-through-skype, hug from my niece and nephews.

I am happy about: following my dreams.

I imagine: a day without a single worry.

I tag: YOU!!!

Pleases share your own list – either write a post on your own blog and post a link at the comments below, or leave a loooooong comment with all your answers. I would really like to hear all about you.

While you’re at it, take a peek at Joce’s take on it. It’s both hilarious and moving at the same time.

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Inspiration Prompt #18 – Book Meme

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.
Mark Twain

Books are my great love. I can get lost in a world made up by the author and stay in it long after I have finished reading the book. I feel extremely passionate towards events and people in memoirs (and sometimes in fiction novels as well). I can finish up a book in one long reading, even if I start on one day and finish on another… I can wake up in the middle of the night, feeling I must go on and read. I am like that – either going at full steam or not going at all… I’m a nerd but I don’t mind πŸ™‚

I have always been like that. I have always been a bookworm. I remember stacking books under my pillow as a small child. To my parents’ dismay, I always fell asleep over a mountain of 8-10 books, my neck completely bent and distorted but a smile was smothered all over my face. I also have numerous pictures with a book opened, held in my hands, while I was fast asleep…

This is why I immediately knew I had to follow a book meme I saw on She-Power (a great blog, by the way), which goes like that:

What was the last book you bought?

A Brother’s Journey, by Richard B. Pelzer.

Name a book you have read MORE than once

Life Artist, by Ali Edwards.

Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it?

Tuesdays With Morrie, by Mitch Albom.

How do you choose a book – eg. by cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews

Recommendation & summary.

Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?

I love both just the same.

WhatÒ€ℒs more important in a novel – beautiful writing or a gripping plot?

Beautiful writing is REALLY important to me. I can derive great joy from the writing by itself. However, if the plot has nothing to it, I’d probably lose interest pretty quickly.

Most loved/memorable character (character/book)

Mariam and Layla in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

For good measure I am going to throw in some questions of my own to the book-meme:

Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment?

Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.

The Anti 9 To 5 Guide, by Michelle Goodman.

What was the last book you’ve read, and when was it?

Kafka On The Shore, by Haruki Murakami – last Thursday.

Have you ever given up on a book half way in?

No… Though I really should…

You Are Tagged –

I would love to hear your answers to the book meme and get to know you better. Please leave your answers as a comment to this post – you can also link to a post on your own blog. Spread on the book meme and don’t forget to tag three other people while you’re at it.

I tag Vered (though I know you’re not really into memes), Amy and Joce – three talented bloggers I luv.

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Creativity Prompt #17 – Tag Book

Friday, September 19th, 2008

Tag Book

For this week’s creativity prompt I have a quick and easy project for you. All you need are 3 sheets of 12″ by 12″ cardstock (OK, and some double sided tape).

With such an easy and low maintenance project I am sure every single one of you can make this beautiful tag book, along with the cute little matching box. This makes a great keepsake for yourself or a thoughtful, yet very affordable, present for a loved one.

So, lets get to work:


Tools (optional) –

Instructions –

Tag Book

  1. Score one side of the cardstock every 3 inches and the other side at 6 inches.
  2. Cut 3″ down each 3″ score line on one side.
  3. Fold and embellish the 4 flaps of the cardstock anyway you wish. You can get some ideas from this picture:
    creating embellished folds
    Here is another way of creating the pockets for the tags. You can create that with a circle punch:
    alternative pockets.
  4. Optional – Apply short strips of packing tape to seal the tips of the brads and the ribbon on the inside of the pockets to prevent the tags from getting stuck inside.
  5. Apply double sided tape to the seam of each fold line, as well as to the edges of the cardstock. Then fold along the 6″ line and adhere the two sides together. As an alternative, you can run all these lines through the sewing machine, and create the pockets after folding along the 6″ line.
    Adhering the pockets
  6. For the tags, cut 4 pieces of cardstock at: 2 5/8″ by 5½”
    Cutting tags
  7. You can embellish the tags with an ink pad, a corner rounder and some ribbon – and your tag book is ready!!!
    tag book

Cardstock Box

The box tutorial video is given as a courtesy of Jennifer Muraoka. Jennifer is an extremely talented artist and I enjoy following her creations both on her blog: “Kiyomi Krafts” and on her You-Tube channel. Apart from her wonderful creations, she also conveys her great personality through her tutorials and blog posts.


Share your tag book creations on the Creativity Prompt Flickr group or by leaving a comment on this post with a link to your creation. You are also welcome to share your thoughts about this tag book and to suggest ideas on what to use it for. Your comments are always adding so much value to the prompts, so keep on commenting πŸ™‚

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Journaling Prompt #17 – Regrets

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008
two paths.  choose one.Image by Ryan B. Schultz via Flickr

There are infinite forks in life’s road. You are constantly obliged to make decisions and in today’s fast pace living you need to make your choices quickly. Each decision you make is also a path you choose to go through and a path you choose to abandon…

All these paths you have not chosen to take can lead you to the notorious, yet inevitable question: “What if…”

Sometimes the “what ifs” in our lives are wrapped in a misty veil of daydreaming about parallel lives. Sometimes the “what ifs” are smothered with the ugly bitterness of regret.

Crying over spilled milk is useless. We have established that, haven’t we?! But somehow we do not manage to actually apply that rule… The temptation of regret is too great (I have failed to understand why. It might have something to do with the part of brain who’s in-charge of Pringles related thoughts πŸ˜‰ ).

Regrets can show up in our lives over minor things (like spilled milk…, a photo not taken, a missed train) and sometimes we can regret an entire journey we have taken or not taken in life.

This week’s journaling prompt is to write about your regrets.

Today, for instance, I regret opening up the door to a total stranger and letting him fiddle around with the intercom… (It might be well worth regretting… I hope a follow up post won’t be necessary 😐 ).

I have also other, more profound, “what ifs” on my mind at almost any given moment. It isn’t healthy and it is totally futile, but if the regrets are occupying my thoughts anyway, why not to spill them over on a piece of paper and get over with them?

So, what are your “what ifs”? What revolving doors are you daydreaming about? What are your regrets in life? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment on this post.

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Inspiration Prompt #17 – A Simple Hug Can Light Your Day

Monday, September 15th, 2008

A simple hug is a sign of fondness and empathy. A hug is offering warmth and closeness. A hug can transform someone’s day by knowing that someone actually cares and is there to offer a soft spot to fall into.

Have you hugged someone today?

Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment and have a fabulous day and a wonderful week.

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Giveaway Winners

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

Yep, winners in plural!!!

Unleashing The Creative Child Within You

As the first giveaway in Creativity Prompt, it entails a surprise, doesn’t it?! So… (drum rolls please)

Everyone who took the time to leave a comment is a winner.

Cate, Ellen, Toni, Jenny, Roxie and bee – please send me your current e-mail address and I’ll send you a copy of my new e-book: Unleashing The Creative Child Within You.