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Oops, I have made a mistake…

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Hi everyone, I am so sorry for the bloop on today’s creativity prompt, “The 10 Minute Mini-Book”.

I was working late on a future project and publishing the video on You-Tube (which means changing it from a private video to a public one) has just slipped my mind.

I am really sorry, but the video is up now so you can go back here and watch it 🙂

Creativity Prompt – Make A Mini-Book In 10 Minutes – Video Tutorial

Friday, January 23rd, 2009
10 minute book - closed
10 minute book - opened

My favorite projects are both quick and easy to make, which provide me with instant gratification and an appetite for more. This is why I immediately fell in love with Hagit’s mini-book, when I stumbled upon it.

I asked for Hagit’s permission to “reverse engineer” her project and she told me she’s got the idea from Moran, another talented Israeli artist. (Moran has also posted a tutorial, in Hebrew). Both of them gave me their gracious permission.

As you can see, my “reverse engineering” has brought me to a slightly different place, but my inspiration is definitely derived from Hagit and Moran – so THANK YOU!!!

In this week’s creativity prompt I am going to show you my way of creating a mini-book in about 10 minutes. (Depends on whether your tools and supply are at hand or not…)

Tools & Supply –


How-to –

The great music on this video is by Josh Woodward.


If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

What do you think about my second trial at putting together a video tutorial… I am keeping on experimenting with the webcam’s placement. Not quite there yet 🙂

Thank you so much for all your kind comments and e-mails on my first video tutorial. It really encouraged me to go ahead and make some more.

I would also be very happy to see your own mini-book creations, so don’t be shy and share 🙂

Journaling Prompt – The Key To The Kingdom Of My Dreams

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
[Photo by: Keven Law]

Guided writing is a great way to explore the boundaries of your imagination and the depth of your thoughts. With guided writing you know where are you starting from but have no idea where are you going to end up…

I really love this type of writing exercises and no matter how the end result looks like, I am always happy because of the process.

This week’s journaling prompt is going to be slightly different. This week, I want you to complete the sentence: “The key to the kingdom of my dreams is…”

You can take this sentence anywhere.

Go fiction –

Describe: Where is it? What is it? How does it look like? How can one find it? What does one have to go through while searching for it? Is it easy to find or is it dangerous and weary? go with the flow.

Go non-fiction –

Engage in some healing journaling. Where do you see the key to the kingdom of your dream? Is there a ‘fix-it-all’ solution? Is there one thing in which you trust and to which you aspire? How is it going to help you in fulfilling your dreams?

The key to the kingdom of my dreams is… hidden in a secret crevice inside the wall, just below the window’s pane. You can trace the exact spot by following the first ray of light during the winter’s solstice. After finding the key you must gently lean it against your left ear and listen to it whispering the directions to the lock it opens. Follow your heart and you shall not fail in finding the secluded hiding place from which you can enter the kingdom of my dream.

Share –

(what, where) is the key to the kingdom of your dreams?
How do you feel about guided writing?
Where does your heart and/or mind takes you – fiction or non-fiction?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

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Inspiration Prompt – Make Use Of Your Privilege

Monday, January 19th, 2009

Today, the people in the United States are noting the Martin Luther King Day. Dr. King was a civil right fighter and his dream has materialized to a certain extent.

Each and every one of us could have been considered an under privileged minority if it weren’t for freedom fighters like Dr. King. Be it our gender, our race, our religion, our nationality or our personal preferences. Somewhere in the world or sometime in the near past, we may be/ might have been banned or outlawed.

However, where you are living right now at this hour, you are privileged. You have the right to speak your mind. You have the right to vote. To study. To work. To hold a bank account. To use public transportation. To get food and water and health care. You are lucky for all of those things that you (and I) are taking for granted.

On this week’s inspiration prompt I ask you – and myself – to make good use of the freedom we have been granted with by civil-rights’ activists who had given their lives for this cause.

Lets appreciate their sacrifice by living each day to its fullest and by using our freedom and our rights to make the world a better place for EVERYONE to live in.

Share –

Share your thoughts about your freedom and rights and leave a comment!
I am most interested in everything you have to say about it.

Creativity Prompt – Chunky Mini-Album – First Video Tutorial

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Chunky Mini-Album
After long deliberations with myself (I admit. I have those.) I have decided to go ahead, roll up my sleeves and make a video tutorial. I have chosen to make a project similar to a former creativity prompt – a mini album I have prepared from a recycled cardboard box, for my nephews’ and niece’s photos.

I hope you will enjoy this tutorial and that the instructions are clear enough. However, bear in mind that this is my first attempt at a video tutorial, so it’s a bit rough around the edges (and then some). Therefore I would be much appreciative for any feedback – good and bad, so I can apply it to my next videos.

Covering the cardboard (which is the same as covering chipboard) with patterned paper is a step which is repeated in many creativity prompts. So it’s good to have it “on tape” for you to see the way I am going about it. I believe that even in poor quality, a video is more explanatory than a photo.

This week’s creativity prompt is brought to you in a video form… Enjoy!

[To watch in high resolution, go here and press the link below the video]

The papers I used on my tutorial were from Basic Grey Wassail 6×6 Paper pad.

The song on my video was made and performed by my brother in law and his friend while they were still in high-school. I was amazed at their talent and I would like to know what you’re thinking as well 🙂


Chunky Mini-Album

If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

I would also be very happy to see your own creations, so don’t be shy and share 🙂

Journaling Prompt – The Sound Of Silence

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009
The Sound Of Silence
[Photo by: Amparo Torres]

People talking without speaking,
people hearing without listening,
people writing songs that voices never share
and no one dared disturb
the sound of silence.

silence like a cancer grows.

Taken from “The Sound Of Silence” by: Paul Simon, 1964

Paul Simon has brilliantly described what the sound of silence means to him. I , however, have a different take on it. These words make me think about what happens in my head when the outside world is completely quiet.

Whereas the outside world is still, there is an absolute mayhem inside. When my mind is clear of any external interruption then all my doubts, self criticism and panic creep in with an uproar.

While everything outside is silent – the inside is shouting its lungs out. When I’m weak and vulnerable – I’m crumpling up at the self-bashing turmoil. But when am feeling strong and potent – I’m talking back, which makes the inside of my mind even louder…

For this week’s journaling prompt tune in and write down how does the sound of silence resonate with you?

Share –

What do you hear when there is silence?

What organ reigns supreme when everything around is on mute? Is it your heart or your mind? (or another one altogether, perhaps your ear?)

For the hearing impaired – how do you deal with the silence you are living in? I’m in awe and very anxious to learn about your way of coping with the sound of silence.

Share your treasured thoughts by leaving a comment to this post.

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Inspiration Prompt – Find Your Inner Light

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.
Maya Angelou

Inner Light
[Photo by: H. Koppdelaney]

I let my self fall into the dark abysses of my mind too often. I allow life’s “bumps in the road” mask the light that lies within me. A failure, as small and insignificant as it is, would throw me in the darkness. I admit it. So would a vicious critical comment, an unintentional remark or an harmless joke (it isn’t harmless, isn’t it?!).

Finding the light again isn’t easy. Believing in myself, in my abilities and capabilities – are mostly not natural and automatic. vice-versa.

However, I do have a glorious spot inside me. A spot filled with light and belief. A place full of love and acceptance. A place in which my accomplishments are not long forgotten, but very much alive. This is a place I seek in times of darkness.

For this week’s inspiration prompt I invite you to call upon your illuminant magnificence. Find your inner light together with me. It doesn’t come easy for me. Sometimes I keep going for days and cannot find it. So promise me you’d keep on looking, even in times like these.

Share –

Do you find it difficult to find your inner light?
Are you going to join me on my journey and seek your inner light?

Share your much appreciated thoughts and leave a comment.

The 10 Best Creativity Prompts of 2008

Friday, January 9th, 2009


Following my last post of the 10 best Journaling Prompts of 2008, comes a list of the best Creativity Prompts of last year. The list includes both tutorials and general prompts that during 2008 have spruced up the creative juices and were particularly popular among my dear readers.

so, without any fuss or delay, the “best of” award goes to:

  1. Trash into treasure
    Creativity Prompt #6 – Turn Your Trash Into Treasure
  2. Hardbound journal
    Creativity Prompt #8 – Making Your Own Hardbound Journal
  3. Guided Album
    Creativity Prompt #16 – Guided Album
  4. Accordion Spine Album
    Creativity Prompt #21 – Making An Accordion Spine Album
  5. “One-Sheet” Mini Album
    Creativity Prompt #22 – The “One-Sheet” Mini Album
  6. Cards and Envelopes Set
    Creativity Prompt #23 – Cards & Envelopes Set
  7. Complete A Scrapbook In One Weekend
    Creativity Prompt #25 – How To Complete A Scrapbook In One Weekend
  8. Card Set Holder
    Creativity Prompt #26 – Card Set Holder
  9. Decoupage
    Creativity Prompt #28 – The Art Of Decoupage
  10. Altered Board Book
    Creativity Prompt #32 – Alter A Chipboard Children’s Book

Share –

I hope this list of Creativity Prompts has inspired you.

What was your personal favorite prompt?

What type of prompts do you like to see more of in this site?

Leave a comment and share your likes, as well as dislikes. I would be really happy to hear your opinions.

The 10 Best Journaling Prompts Of 2008

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Best Journaling Prompts
[Photo by: Bob AuBuchon]

With the turn of the year I would like to list the best Journaling Prompts of 2008:

  1. Journaling Prompt #7 – Write a Fairy tale
  2. Journaling Prompt #9 – Precede The Words To The Photos
  3. Journaling Prompt #18 – I am
  4. Journaling Prompt #19 – Affection
  5. Journaling Prompt #21 – Failure
  6. Journaling Prompt #24 – Remember Your Teachers
  7. Journaling Prompt #25 – Get Inspired By The Fall And Shed YOUR Leaves
  8. Journaling Prompt #26 – Give Thanks To Yourself
  9. Journaling Prompt #28 – Observing The Holiday Season
  10. Journaling Prompt #30 – New Year’s Resolutions Series – The Clairvoyant Way

I hope this list inspires and urges you to start documenting your life, thoughts and figments of imagination on paper!

Share –

What was your favorite journaling prompts?

Which type or types of journaling prompts would you like to see more of in 2009?

Do you keep a journal?

Leave a comment, I really want to hear what’s on your mind!!!

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Inspiration Prompt #33 – The Value Of Optimism

Monday, January 5th, 2009

“No pessimists ever discovered the secret of the stars,
or sailed to an uncharted land,
or opened a new heaven to the human spirit. “
Hellen Keller

The Glass Is Half Full
[Photo by: Akash Kataruka]

Is the glass half full or half empty? This is a matter of our state of mind. Nevertheless, this disposition is crucial to our day-to-day life.

As Hellen Keller had stated so beautifully, optimism is an enabler.

Optimism empowers us and sparks us with the spirit of free living. Optimism shuts down our self critic and urging us to go farther and farther with no worries and no self doubt.

Optimism is asking what can go fantastically right all the time. Optimism is smiling even if a reason for a smile is yet to present itself. Optimism is sipping the intoxicating life around us in big, excited gulps. Optimism is knowing that we can and we will and nothing is going to stop us.

For this week’s inspiration prompt I am inviting you to the fantastic land of the optimists.

Share –

How is your tour in the land of the optimists going? Share your experiences and adventures and leave a comment to this post.

Do you see yourself as an “half-full” kind of person or a “half-empty” one?