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Chronicle An Unexpected Conversation – Journaling Prompt

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Forget I asked Layout

[Font: Urania_Czech; Digital Kits: CS Torn Bits 2 by cat scraps (torn photo template), KD Jillian + KD Digi Essentials 5 (Alphas and coffee stains) + KD Essentials (staples) + KD Fly Boy – all by Karla Dudley.]
My husband is the uncontested king of unexpected conversations.

Whenever I ask him something – I can never foresee what the answer will be.

I think it’s precious. It really brightens my day – so I try to keep record of these random “conversations”.

The funky alphas and the coffee stains in Karla Dudley’s new release where helpful in portraying the craziness in this everyday Q & A.

Sharing Pearls of Wisdom

A: “How would you like your coffee?”
N: “20% cup, 60% milk and the rest coffee.”

A: “How would you have your eggs?”
N: “With my mouth.”

N: “I have been slaving all day in the kitchen.” [while boiling water for instant oats…]

A: “I love you.”
N: “You don’t love me. You think I am a pickle/ herring/ fridge…” etc.

Forget I asked…


What unexpected conversation have you been part of lately? Please share…

Record Your Food Making Process – Step by Step – Creativity Prompt

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Step By Step Lunch

[Font: Erika Ormig; Digital Kit: KD Jillian by Karla Dudley.]

It may feel overwhelming to keep track of everything you do throughout the day.

However, if you break it down and follow only one activity at a time – it’s SO easy.

Today try to record just one thing – your food making process.

This layout took me 10 minutes to make!
I took the photos with my cellphone and e-mailed them to myself.
Then I opened up Karla Dudley’s template (which had the exact number of frames I needed!!!)
I clipped all the photos in place and wrote down my process. You may also add the actual recipe…




Have you managed to document an entire week in your life? If, not, give a try to documenting only one piece of your daily life.

Document A New Tradition – Journaling Prompt

Monday, April 26th, 2010

New Traditions

[Fonts: For The One Hundredth Time, Tidy Hand; Digital Kits: CS Torn Bits 2 by cat scraps (torn photo template), KD Digi essentials by Karla Dudley (masking tape), Write It Down Ornate Frame + Can’t Buy Me Love + Write It Down Top Ten – by Shimelle Laine for Two Peas In A Bucket.]

After a loooong year, we went back home for a visit in January. We came back here on February 1st 2010 and some things have changed.

One of the changes was a blessed one – a new tradition was born.

Each evening Nadav and I have a piece of [LIGHT] cheesecake and a tall cup of spiced hot chocolate.

It helps soothing any stress accumulated through the day and sweeten our nights.

Have you got a new tradition? (or perhaps an old one…)

Take a few minutes and document it.

You’ll appreciate it later.


Spiced Hot Chocolate [for 2]

  • In a small sauce pan heat up 1½ cup of milk (We use Silk Light Vanilla Soy milk).
  • Add 1 Tsp. of ground cloves, 1 Tsp. All Spice, 1 Tsp. Mace, 1 Tsp. dry ground ginger, 1 Tbs. cinnamon. (you may change quantities to taste)
  • Stir in 4 Tbs. of good chocolate powder (We use Ghirardelli’s Double Chocolate mix).
  • When it’s dissolved add 2 more cups of milk and heat up until it’s boiling hot. (make sure the milk don’t spill over)
  • Pour carefully into two large cups and enjoy!

Light Cheesecake [for a lasagna pan]

  • Mix 1 package of instant vanilla pudding (fat free and sugar free) with 2 cups of milk (We use Silk Light Vanilla Soy milk).
  • Let it sit for a while and in the mean time dip Pettite Buerre biscuits in milk and arrange a layer of dipped biscuits on your pan.
  • Add 2 packages of low fat cream cheese into the bowl + 3 Tbs. of sugar + ¼ cup of light sour cream – stir everything until they are all combined together.
  • Pour ½ of the batter on the first layer of biscuits – level up.
  • Arrange another layer of biscuits, dipped in milk, on top.
  • Pour the rest of the batter (This is when you can experiment. I added 2 tbs. of cocoa powder to the second half).
  • Cover the pan and put in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
  • ENJOY!


Have you got a new fun tradition? Please share by leaving a comment here.

Freebie Friday – Laced Journaling Labels

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Free Journaling LabelsThis week I am sharing a set of FREE laced journaling labels with you guys (for personal use only).

I designed this set per request of a treasured reader, Ann – who took the time to answer my question: “what would you like to see on freebie Fridays?

I urge you to do the same 🙂 I’d love to hear from you. Just leave a comment here.

To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.


What are you planning to do with this set? Please answer by leaving a comment.

Unleashing The Creative Child Within You

Be Playful – Creativity Prompt

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Dress Up - playful Layout

[Fonts: Rough_typewriter, Barnes_erc_; Digital Kits: KD Tweet, KD For The Boy, KD Frame Essentials – all by Karla Dudley.]

All work and no play? not in my (scrap)book!

Scrapbooking is important.
Telling the story is important.
Perpetuating memories is important.

saying that, scrapbooking is also a hobby.
As a hobby it’s supposed to be awesome.
As a hobby it’s supposed to be fun.
As a hobby it’s supposed to conform to OUR rules – not vice versa!

So I am very much into inserting some more playfulness into the process.

In this layout, with help from Karla Dudley‘s playful designs and a playful free font I have injected a much needed gaiety and cheerfulness into my layout.

The bird, for instance, is actually made out of 3 different images from the KD Tweet kit, that I layered and locked into one layer. You may need to adjust the angle of the image a bit (move your mouse cursor next to the top edge of the bounding box until it looks like a rounded arrow, then click and drag slightly up or down). I also “built” the bird-swing by using different images together, not necessarily the way one would traditionally use them.

You can mimic this idea/look with traditional “hard-copy” products by layering embellishments together or using things a bit differently than usual.

It made me smile. It might make you smile too!

Photoshop Elements Tip
How did I make the labeler-like strips?


  • Use the rectangle shape tool to draw a short and wide strip. Make sure your shape color is black.
  • Choose the type tool and pick a typewriter font, make sure your font color is white.
  • Click on your rectangle and start typing. Click twice to commit.
  • Choose the move tool and pick 2 layers – the shape and the type (make sure they are both highlighted).
  • Click on the ‘align’ button at the top of your window and align the 2 layers together, both vertically and horizontally.
  • Lock the layers together to keep the alignment.
  • Repeat.


How do you insert playfulness to your layouts? Share by leaving a comment (or a link to your playful layout)

Siblings: Compare and contrast – Journaling Prompt

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010


[Fonts: Asha, Tidy Hand; Digital Kits: Springtime Basics, Starburst Mini, Long and Winding Road, Can’t buy Me Love – All by Shimelle Laine at Two Peas In A Bucket.]

Journaling Reads

One is blond. One is brunette.
One is pale. One is tan.
One is quiet. One is verbose.
Both are fabulous.

Sometimes siblings are spitting images of each other.
Either they look alike, behave the same or think similarly – or all the above.
Sometimes the only thing siblings are sharing is their DNA.

Tsuf and Shoham, my niece and nephew are nothing alike.
[Except for both being very good kids]
They look very different and they behave really differently.

Try to make a short list and find what is similar and what is different between siblings in your family.


Are you and your sibling look alike or do you look nothing like your sibling – or are you an only child?
How are your kids? Do they look and behave the same or do they have nothing in common?
Please share your comparisons. It’s fun!

How Is Your Day Going?

Monday, April 19th, 2010

Have a Glorious Day


In what ways has your day been glorious? Share by leaving a comment.

Freebie Friday – Classic Journaling Spots

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Free Journaling LabelsThis week I am sharing two classic journaling spots for you to write your fabulous stories on (for personal use only).

To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…” option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems).

I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.

Sometimes you want to document the whole story and need some more journaling space, so why shouldn’t you be doing it with style 🙂

This journaling spots are designed to be paired together with standard size photos (provided you print it as is).

Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.

You may round up the top or bottom edges of your photo to match the journaling spot’s design.

You can also use them as stylish flash card, if you feel like it…


I’m always eager to hear your opinion on my printables, so please, do share!
Just leave a comment on this post!

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
This year you can really make your dream come true!

“Capture Your Dream” workshop is a self-paced, six weeks long workshop, that will walk you through a journey of capturing your biggest dream and making it come true.

In the process of making your dream happen – with lots of inspiration and guided self-exploration, you will also create a mixed media mini album from scratch and learn many tips and techniques – including some photography pointers that will add character to your photos and will help you take better pictures of your projects.

The workshop includes 30 printable PDF lessons with step-by-step pictures and instructions as well as several printable templates you may use in other projects too.

I am confident you will enjoy it and find it helpful so I also offer full money back guarantee while the workshop lasts.

New Release…

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

KD Tweet KD For The Boys KD Frame Essentials

I have been IMPATIENTLY waiting for the release of these three beauties, so I can share them with you. These gorgeous digi staples are the result of an ingenious creative strike by Karla Dudley that I am sure you’ll be able to enjoy as much as I do!

I love the mesh, doodled frames and paint splashes on KD For The Boy.
I love the tasteful doodles on KD Tweet.
I love the versatility of KD Frame Essentials.

LOVE them all!

So far, I have been playing with the KD For The Boys kit (the only thing stopping me from playing with them all is my serious lack of time):

Smile Forever Layout

[Fonts: BlackJack, Century, Century Gothic, Rough_typewriter; Digital Kits: KD For The Boys, KD Digi Essentials, KD Faded Sentiments, KD Spring ’10 – all by Karla Dudley.]
All Boy Layout

[Font: BlackJack; Digital Kits: KD For The Boys by Karla Dudley.]

Journaling Reads:

I love the youthful spirit Asaf & Ori have.
In their minds they can conquer the world.
In their minds they are strong enough.
In their minds they are smart enough.
In their minds they are capable of anything.
If they keep this state of mind, they may drive their parents crazy, but they will…

November 2008

Unleashing The Creative Child Within You

What Makes Anything Magical – Journaling Prompt

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Uvas Park Layout

[Fonts: Jesse James, Tidy Hand, rough_typewriter; Textures: Shadowhouse Creations; Digital Kits: KD Artist In Me (background paper), KD Blakely (patterned paper – floral), KD Sylvy (patterned paper – aqua), KD Trina (patterned paper – dark red), KD Digi Essentials (stitches + masking tape), KD Digi Essentials 2 (butterflies) – all kits by Karla Dudley.]

As a child I could look at my parents’ modest living room and see a palace. I looked at my red shoes and imagined how they transport me to Oz. I saw a smiling face in the sun and I swear I could see a caring bear resting on a cloud… Everything seemed magical when I was a child.

Sometimes I try to dig deep and find that ability to make the ordinary seem (and actually be) magical.

Journaling Prompt

What is it that makes the ordinary special and the plain magical? Write it down.

My journaling reads:

How can a natural preserve become magical?
Add a couple friends you like hanging out with.
A husband you’re in love with and the perfect springy weather.

I also added character to my photo, by applying texture digitally. As you can see below, the changes are very subtle but add to the general ambiance:

Preview - original and textured

Digital Tip – How To Add Magic With Texture Using Photoshop Elements

To add texture to your photo, all you need to do is to add layers and play with the blending modes.

  • Download the high definition texture files (or take pictures of textured materials yourself). In this photo I used a few texture files by Shadowhouse Creations.
  • Open the texture photos and with the selection tool picked, drag them over to your original photo (make sure you save it under a different name). The textured file should appear as a layer above your original picture’s layer.
  • Resize the texture file so it covers your photo, by dragging the bounding box to place.
  • The texture should now cover your entire document.
  • Next, go to the blending modes drop menu. It is placed right above your layers view, left to the opacity levels and is ‘Normal’ by default.
    Play with the mode. Start with ‘Overlay’ or ‘Soft Light’ modes. See what happens…
  • Play with the opacity.
  • Add a solid color layer by clicking on the ‘adjustment level’ button and choosing ‘solid color’. Lower the opacity and see what happens.
  • Explore and have fun!

Are you feeling the magic yet?


How are you transforming the plain into magical? Share your thoughts by leaving a message.
Have you tried the texture technique? How did it work for you? Please let me know 🙂

Unleashing The Creative Child Within You