Today was the first time I celebrated Mother’s Day as a mom.
This is a great opportunity to start a new tradition.
Every Mother’s Day I will write myself a letter on what motherhood means to me.
Later I can share it with my Maya and also see how the meaning of being a mom developed throughout the years.
Motherhood, to me, means infinite love.
Motherhood means to constantly be at awe.
Motherhood is being sleep deprived and bitten (Yay for first teeth!!!),
but all I want to do is to gently stroke her delicate hair, caress her soft skin,
gaze into her big blue eyes and whisper in her ears how much I love her and how perfect she is.
Perfect beyond my imagination.
When I was pregnant with Maya I always tried to imagine how my little baby girl will be.
I dreamed up the perfect little face and the cutest little hands, legs an belly to tickle.
I pictured the smartest little girl with the friendliest demeanor.
Boy, oh boy, was I far from reality.
My Maya came out better than I have ever imagined.
She’s perfect!
Motherhood is reading stories and singing songs to her.
Motherhood is holding her until her sweet eyes fall to sleep (when her tummy aches).
It is waking at night to comfort her or to feed her or just to make sure that she’s sleeping soundly in her crib.
Motherhood means missing a heartbeat when you hear her laughing out loud.
Motherhood means taking the magic of her growth and development with ambivalence.
Motherhood means feeling sadness that soon she will only eat solids and we won’t have our intimate feeding time anymore.
Motherhood means feeling immense joy when she learns something new or grows out of her clothes.
Motherhood means the world to me.
It is the best thing that ever happened to me!
I am so grateful for you, Maya.
What does motherhood mean to you?
Tags: family, Maya, Mother's Day, Motherhood
This is so beautiful! I’ll have to think about this and maybe write it up tomorrow 🙂 (My baby just started getting her first tooth yesterday, so I anticipate getting bitten very soon too…)
Aww, congratulations! It’s so wonderful!
So sweet and poignant and expressed so beautifully.
Thank you! I have a complicated relationship with motherhood but the bottom line is that it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Beautiful words 🙂
Thank you!
You words make me so happy and resonate so deeply in my heart!
Thank You sweet sweet Friend!
Thank y-o-u!